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/dsp/ - DarkSydePhil Discussion

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Phils been around about as long as I have on the internet so I actually had a short experience with him as a kid long before becoming a detractor. I think it'd be interesting to talk about our early experiences with Phil before becoming detractors, I'll start:
>be me
>9 or 10 years old
>love youtube, watch 0 tv after getting access to the interent
>want to broaden my horizons and watch other youtubers who are popular that i dont really know
>for some reason this list consist of Total Biscuit and DSP
>subscribe to both and wait to watch a new video
>never watch total biscuit
>open sub feed
>every high quality video has been replaced by countless raw uploads of gameplay with no thumbnails
>immediately unsubscribe
>never think of Phil again until the incident
>think thank God i never watched that guy


i discovered him like a few years back but i genuinely forgot how i stumbled across him. i think i got recommended a tihydp of one of his playthroughs and found it hilarious but i didn't really bother to dig deep into the phail lore until a month or two after the fact

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