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/dsp/ - DarkSydePhil Discussion

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File: fgfggfgffgfgfg.png 📥︎ (33.39 KB, 752x638) ImgOps


opinion on this?


one of the better attempts at a non pigxar dsp jak i've seen. not super gemmy though


better than that one wooooaahhhhjak version a 'teen is trying to force
Heres what works:
>General styling
>mouth and eye look
What doesnt work:
>non solid brows
>airbrushed beard
>strange brush size and aliasing
almost a gem


I haven't seen the version you're talking about, mind sharing?


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (44.33 KB, 616x930) ImgOps


aw, I kinda have a soft spot for that one.


its okay
feels really reddit thoughie


File: realgunner.png 📥︎ (153.2 KB, 752x638) ImgOps

File: realglasses.png 📥︎ (148.78 KB, 752x638) ImgOps

File: realnoglasses.png 📥︎ (140.85 KB, 752x638) ImgOps

thoughts on this redraw of OPs


thanks for improving my jak and making it gemmier

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