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/dsp/ - DarkSydePhil Discussion

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File: reading chaat.png 📥︎ (22.3 KB, 612x593) ImgOps


Alright so, from what the chat is telling me uh. WOW, you see my detractors they're so obsessed they're so deranged they go to UNRELATED websites and haphazardly spam their bullshit narratives to the point where the owners have to make SEPERATE DISCUSSION BOARDS just to keep them away from everyone else. Yes ladies and gentlemen, they are that toxic and unwanted they have to be QURANTINED from the rest of the community like the VIRUS they are on our ASSES. WOAHHHACKCKACKCK.


forgot the arrow so you are DSP


File: phil.png 📥︎ (7.92 KB, 322x410) ImgOps

"forgot the arrow so you are dsp". WOW. I have no idea what that even means. See what i mean, these these detractors make a meme around the most obscure possible thing and then spam it in my chat to try and piss me off and it never works.



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