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/caca/ - Cacaborea

i ate the pink stuff on dada's floor, i luv pink stuff on dada floor
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1678016691976.png 📥︎ (63.89 KB, 218x231) ImgOps

File: 1678327218901.gif 📥︎ (266.32 KB, 192x144) ImgOps

File: 1681516091708.gif 📥︎ (443.44 KB, 192x255) ImgOps

File: 1687867076081.jpg 📥︎ (5.22 KB, 218x231) ImgOps

 2077QuoteSticky[View All][1][2]

>124 FILES
>24 GIFS
>4 MP4S

password down below
<keep on posting new babies ITT or in the previous one, i will keep on updating the .zip (.rar or something) to stay uptodate with babies
55 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


jpgs have better compression rates than pngs DOE.
Still that difference is way too big.
I looked into the file with a text editor and the only interesting text I found inside of it was "tEXtsoftwarehttps://imagemagick.org"
If there's anything embedded it has to be encrypted.


oh shit were the ‘p rumors real?


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (61.48 KB, 200x148) ImgOps

baby gyate needs adoption


is baby gyate IAB?


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (36.74 KB, 350x300) ImgOps

it is still up to the question and even fauci and snopes confused but she definetely needs to be adopted until she grows up


File: jacobson-glownigger.png 📥︎ (38.71 KB, 296x444) ImgOps

kys OP im not installing proprietary cuckware

also, we need more glownigger babies


File: baby bernd.png 📥︎ (13.42 KB, 88x81) ImgOps

go away adultschizotwoon


this is extremely suspicious


File: 1691173390638.mp4 📥︎ (4.31 MB, 1360x768) ImgOps


File: 1690737941669423.png 📥︎ (65.1 KB, 375x343) ImgOps

How do you get selfish little fuck on your screen


File: ezgif.com-resize.gif 📥︎ (23.29 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

bumo I wanna know


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (29.19 KB, 272x127) ImgOps

googoogaga ababbaba


IAB doe???????????.,,?.?.??.,,,,!.!.!.?,!,?,?.??.??,?,?,?.?.?.?.?,?,…,,ababa


not quite IAB but close enough to enlightment


File: babyangeleno.png 📥︎ (41.32 KB, 189x255) ImgOps

File: babyfarmer.png 📥︎ (97.33 KB, 312x414) ImgOps

File: babyfed.png 📥︎ (48.73 KB, 190x255) ImgOps

File: babygrape.png 📥︎ (49.14 KB, 187x255) ImgOps



File: baby13.gif 📥︎ (40.69 KB, 222x255) ImgOps



not enogh baby, babb.rar when


File: soob.jpg 📥︎ (1.94 KB, 255x252) ImgOps

we wobe dis pakc


File: 1667766581193426.gif 📥︎ (34.57 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

Update baba.rar




just use 7zip nigger


File: 2023_11_09_0ri_Kleki.png 📥︎ (6.82 KB, 77x97) ImgOps

File: .trashed-1702103194-2023_1….png 📥︎ (208.58 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

File: 2023_11_09_0bf_Kleki.png 📥︎ (189.54 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

File: .trashed-1702055805-2023_1….png 📥︎ (185.41 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

update baba.rar and add these babas


File: BABY_MUTT.jpg 📥︎ (1.81 KB, 93x98) ImgOps

File: babydada.jpg 📥︎ (1.91 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

File: babyfroot.jpg 📥︎ (2.04 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

File: colorbaby.jpg 📥︎ (1.95 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

add these

and my own hd baby too: >>5357


File: glowbaby.jpg 📥︎ (2.16 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

glowbaba doo


File: babysoot.jpg 📥︎ (1.82 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

File: Kuz_baby.jpg 📥︎ (2.61 KB, 126x168) ImgOps

File: babydada.jpg 📥︎ (1.8 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

File: babyfroot.jpg 📥︎ (2.06 KB, 93x125) ImgOps


posed it agen ward aso fake dose are jus baba in cosume nod admen


File: babydoll1.jpg 📥︎ (2.47 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

File: babysoot.png 📥︎ (20.44 KB, 93x125) ImgOps

File: kuzbaba.png 📥︎ (7.86 KB, 97x129) ImgOps

File: froob.jpg 📥︎ (2.83 KB, 93x124) ImgOps

dese are reaw ounes>>5393


frood haw werd ies becawes heaws incwedds mmawns


even tou adme hav whlsme berd mweged with grapes bwerd


add this baba I made on photofunny.net




File: babahead.png 📥︎ (161.52 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

File: 2023_12_19_0uw_Kleki.png 📥︎ (13.5 KB, 281x320) ImgOps

File: 2023_12_17_0q3_Kleki.png 📥︎ (222.93 KB, 800x789) ImgOps

File: 2023_12_17_0q0_Kleki.png 📥︎ (369.79 KB, 800x789) ImgOps

some recent caca related OC I have made


okay but why do you need to put a password on the file? this is what hackers use to infect someone with a trojan, so that the antivirus can not detect anything inside the file because it is encrypted, yet when you open it with the password, the trojan activates.


someone baited me




File: baba.jpg 📥︎ (14.73 KB, 167x139) ImgOps

'p collection folder beware


File: I_wub_wu.jpg 📥︎ (67.62 KB, 779x552) ImgOps

siwwy imij


File: loving kid.gif 📥︎ (1.92 MB, 170x255) ImgOps




File: jumpingbaby.gif 📥︎ (443.44 KB, 192x255) ImgOps

>9 months ago




rar files are unopenable




File: 71695 - SoyBooru.mp4 📥︎ (1.07 MB, 480x640) ImgOps

caca thread




File: 1710460446316.gif 📥︎ (443.44 KB, 192x255) ImgOps






i dont get how any of this is funny


add cia baby

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