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/bait/ - Bait Gallery

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New sad toss


Some drawfag edit this pls.



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Could the "I'm a woman" part just mean that the last time they met, she was a girl? If it's unironically a tranny comic, I want to puke.


I raped all of them


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Nusoigloinksons genuinely believe that dying in a hospital from old age as your son tells you he's trans is better than dying in war


No its a tranny comic of COURSE its a tranny comic


That's literally the best death doe


File: pepe.jpg 📥︎ (50.65 KB, 976x850) ImgOps

They really fucking do believe it. Sqloink.


Not this guy again


It is, it was made by an unironic tranny nigger who manipulated xher fans by using suicide eating a blueberry


Marge? Enlighten us please


I think the artist is puppychan but I'm not completely sure because I just remember similar looking stuff from the 'key tom vid.

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