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Why can't the Jannies just give us Gem passes

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Can you please make passwords hidden by default when making new threads/posts
heres the JS code for it from "Sharty fixes"

if (passwordBox = document.querySelector("form[name=post] input[name=password]")) {
passwordBox.setAttribute("type", "password");
passwordBox.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `<input type="button" name="toggle-password" value="Show">`);


didn't realize it wasn't the full code used so toggling wasn't working geg

i went ahead and seperated it into its own userscript and tested it multiple times
it should work now so please let me know what you think


Gem for the effort, THOUGH it's a shame most people here don't care for user scripts. The Sharty is a dead end for this kind of stuff.

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add an option to turn off pornographic content on soybooru so that we can browse it safely while in school or in a serious location


just add "-nsfw" to your search

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Now that VPNs can post on /pol/, there show be a visible tag next to their flag that indicates that they're using a VPN.




If this isn't too hard to implement, I think it should be a thing, too. Otherwise it defeats the purpose, of the flag system.


That's no fun

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try testing this out for 24 hours
change the /qa/ thread creation flood timer to 15 seconds and allow an infinite number of threads per hour
<le reddit space
it would be nice to have a fast paced shitposting board at a time when you need to wait minutes to gem up /soy/
>but what if this ruins the board?
/qa/ is already dead by all metrics and the only active threads are soybooru/schlog namefags talking to each other. even if this causes catty wipes or replaces the current /qa/, the current /qa/ is so dead that this wouldn't even be an issue
also this 2 minute thread creation timer is annoying and reminds me of 4cuck, so we should have freedom to make threads quickly on at least one of the big boards.


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I fvcking hate this fox


Kill yourself

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Make :russiaheart: a thing plox

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there should be a halloween theme for the site made because spooky is heckin outdated and low effort when compared to the newer themes
11 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


a custom background would be gemmy i think the colors should primarily be orange, black, green and purple since they are the most halloweeny ones


if someone makes something gemmy then ill add it


There's a mod working on a halloween theme.
>kys faggot why'd you move the thread
Wasn't me.


Lys straggot


hey dev i just wanna let you know I personally use this theme:

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Why the sudden changes in /soy/, mods?

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>GET is "reached"
>first you can't link to it
>then you suddenly can, but it links to thread #1
>website (((shuts down)))
>comes back up
>suddenly post #8888888 is real
>it's some SNCA that only a jannynigger would care about
Please, stop rigging them, it's not fun.


This website has so many """bugs""" that were obviously brought here by nudev/ronald, you clearly have some sort of tools to rig stuff, this only happens here, fuck you.

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Can someone explain why there was a catalog wipe on /soy/?


This is still going on.

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