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A banner for soyjak.party

/q/ - Soyjak Party Meta

The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining

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File: cunnyrapist.png πŸ“₯︎ (19.21 KB, 427x498) ImgOps



File: Screenshot_20241002-074320….png πŸ“₯︎ (10.73 KB, 720x168) ImgOps


Marge why can't I post on /mtv/ is it file size limit

File: pJKcXVmIxYErMHOJ.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (54.28 KB, 768x764) ImgOps


The NSFW filter isn't that accurate even at max threshold.

File: 1727321668664h.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (82.17 KB, 1242x1484) ImgOps



truth its pedophilic brimstone

File: 250px-OG_BABY.png πŸ“₯︎ (108.44 KB, 250x333) ImgOps


frogs crashed soyjak.st again

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (326.87 KB, 768x719) ImgOps


Doll, I know you're still here. Remove the awful troonzellig banners that Root added since xhe's gone
For fucks sake there's even a banner that has an OMGSISAjak behind the 3 characters just fucking delete them already


if doll really was here he would attentionwhore every day


i miss doll


File: soy2slop.gif πŸ“₯︎ (1.7 MB, 600x600) ImgOps

>Doll, I know you're still here. Remove the awful troonzellig banners that Root added since xhe's gone
>For fucks sake there's even a banner that has an OMGSISAjak behind the 3 characters just fucking delete them already
most obsessed trans girl award

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Add green text ya gitz for da boyz


There's this janny who keeps pinning these threads in >>>/soy/
it's dbz, anyone that talks shit about it gets banned, can someone explain to me why this is going on? I'm just confused at this point.


File: 1722908222351o.png πŸ“₯︎ (28.92 KB, 906x340) ImgOps

This rule wasn't here hours ago.


Is there any mods active who can fill me in on what just happened?


Nobody knows, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone hacked dev’s account though.



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Increase janny salary to one (1) Rai stone per month


sooooor do this

File: 1723929111955q.png πŸ“₯︎ (22.16 KB, 205x255) ImgOps


remove flood detection from /soy/
also remove post limit


>KEEK this gay furry porn is gonna bait all the leaking chudcels
>wha-wha moderation stopped my flood! NO NO RULECUCKED RULECUCKED MUH TWITTER IMMIGRANTS




I never said anything like this doe

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