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File: jannyseethe_3.png πŸ“₯︎ (19.02 KB, 631x194) ImgOps


kys janny



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kys janny

File: feraljannysings.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (577.22 KB, 256x256) ImgOps


>clicking a moved thread now redirects you to the board it was moved to
Ack yourself janny stop trying to destroy your own website


it's actually a good thing, I like this


ack yourself janny ywnbaw and you will never get paid

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remove all wordfilters except for the namefag ones and for the penis color wars one
everything else is annoying, especially raisin and pedo


up remove the filters please it's annoying

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remove the namefield from every board except /qa/, other boards don't need it and result in unwanted namefagging, especially on boards with flags, since those already have barely any users it's even more annoying
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Keep nameGODding


up it's a close vote


come on now, vote!


Namefagging is the highest manifestation of Aryan individuality o algo



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Have the janny spergouts that occurred the last 3 nights been addressed yet or is the site just going to be unusable in late American hours permanently because lel discord friend retarded who cares


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None of you troons read this board anymore, I'll just post again later to remind the goyim that you guys suck and are 4chan tier janny abusers


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spamfilter is up FUUUUUUUUUCK

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>*around 2 months ago*
<It's funny, whenever someone get's banned just on /soy/ they don't post on any other board
>haha nu/soy/cacas really?
>get banned on /soy/
>try to post on /r9k/ joking about it
>says I'm banned on /soy/
>try every board and get the same result
I think I figured out why no one posts on the other boards when they get banned on /soy/ Mustard.


mod if you move this to r9k you’re a faggot

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10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Geg left up the thread sucking his dick.


that's how you know this nigga is a fucking loser like irl lmao lil brogroid relies on teenagers hyping him up to feel good abt himself LMAOAOO


i think the janny is telling us to not self insert as woahjacks or osmething idk


im chechen
keep sucking his dick more faggot


tried to be thick skinned and not move my post for like 3 minutes but moved it anyway because its still on your screen and the anxiety of some nigger bumping randomly bringing it back to page 1 was enough to make you cave in and get rid of it now you understand what soyteens deal with everyday trying to ignore bait threads

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>If I can't post my dogfucker troonraisin on /soy/ nobody can use /soy/

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