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A banner for soyjak.party

/q/ - Soyjak Party Meta

The Serious Boardâ„¢ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining

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Add th* filt*r to all of th* l*tt*rs.

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Hey admins, can we get an official soyjak party SCP SL server? I'm sick of getting banned for saying "NIGGER" from normalGOD servers.



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fix /x/ already it's been broken for ages ffs



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Froot make leftyjak.party
It would be like how the sclog is apart of the sharty but a different site, the idea would to have leftist site with soyjaks.
We would get migrates from leftypol, leftpol has banned soyjaks and people are already moving. Another reason to make it is because with a serious political topic stuff like coaly admin drama wouldn’t happen or at least wouldn’t be as annoying.

Pls froot


Froot, do this.


froot isn't a communist, keep seething that the get was stolen.


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I hate the fake commies on leftypol in fact I tried to steal the GET for leftyjak

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Like the previous ones, it would be two teams
Vampires and Werewolves
>why these two?
Both have a long history and are one of the two most popular creatures associated with Halloween.
The other choice is
team trick vs team treat

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Why did you remove the namefield from /swa/?

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what if the sharty had a board called "outside" and jannies moved any posts containing smoking to the outside board because "smoking inside is bad"
that would be really funny

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add the ability to reply while on the index without opening the thread
add a reverse noko, where after replying you go back to the updated index of that board
this would be kino

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why do you motherfuckers not only rulecuck the site but then refuse to ever respond on /q/ to any genuine suggestion


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Aww little shitter isn't being heard irl or on his favorite wittle website either

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