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A banner for soyjak.party

/q/ - Soyjak Party Meta

The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining

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File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (14.43 KB, 611x81) ImgOps


It was really convenient and had no reason to be removed, please readd it

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (104.4 KB, 863x173) ImgOps


/qa/ is THE necrobump board, alongside /nate/. This should not be a bannable offense.


Get janny new glasses.


Did some testing. My mp4s are not getting spoilered despite me tagging them nsfw. My images are getting spoiled tho.

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can you guys make it so porn and gore are blurred or displayed differently so i know the video i'm clicking on is a nigga getting his skull exploded and not a naked femjanny o algo or something

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Where did >>>/qa/408500 along with many other numbers go?
Are they intentionally skipped or something?

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How do I get past that "You are a bot" error? It shows up every single time I try to post on /raid/


I think it's because you might have done the McChallenge slightly wrong, for example check that you typed in 'soyak' instead of 'soyjak'


shutup you frikkin bot


Not how it works at all


Sometimes for me putting
>you look like a bot
in my comment worked but not all the time
Soot fix this


I figured it out I think, just type in the captcha box slowly

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FrQQt I see you really loved my soyjak.st banner suggestion that you decided to add it to the sharty. So I made a soyjak.party version you could use here. Devvy replace please.


it's spelled doesn't not dosen't


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how can i apply again for the gem pass?


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i cant


Then you can't apply, ask jannies on the IRC

File: 1701823481556.png πŸ“₯︎ (38.03 KB, 1900x1837) ImgOps


searching dosent work in /raid/

File: invite.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (24.62 KB, 474x316) ImgOps


>do the captcha
>post images
>reply to people
>get called a bot
fuck you

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