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File: soyjoyy.png πŸ“₯︎ (16.06 KB, 531x655) ImgOps


whoever owns the 'ruuuuuuuuuu my logins not working i remember i put my email in what do i do


up because uhh i have 10 months worth of work on that account and it would be kinda gay if i lost it all


no but seriously can i get my account back, is there any transparency between 'ru admin?


What's your username?

File: 1726572866224y(1).png πŸ“₯︎ (282.49 KB, 820x911) ImgOps


Wordfilter shΡ–t to soykaf


Delete the raisin wordfilter. We're not fucking children


Wordfilter all profanity. We are ill-mannered toddlers.

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Can you make it so putting "nonoko" in the email field returns you to the catty instead of the index when you're making a thread on the catalog


add nonocat instead that does what OP asked for


File: soyjak thumbs up.png πŸ“₯︎ (33.84 KB, 644x800) ImgOps

Good idea, implemented.




do this

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It's not really fair. I've been posting on here since '22 I just don't post 24/7

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So I just got banned for rule 1 even though I never posted anything at all illegal and when I tried to appeal, it showed me this, but it still didn't work when I tried posting.
The post that I tried to make was referencing a certain /pol/ splinter that I had just discovered and figured that it was a pedo website. Nothing illegal seemed to be hosted though just a bunch of raisinlita. I think it was the wordfilter which tripped it. I had no idea this wordfilter existed. Can I get some help?


Oh yeah, I also alerted if there were any sidty jannies to take care of their site…
I don't think that counts tho


So sad that the soy sphere has become this disgusting and infested with pedos and backstabbers and troons


is that the sidson site?

File: aryansip2.png πŸ“₯︎ (131.49 KB, 775x849) ImgOps


Turn the nsfw filter off by default nigger tier change nobody asked for

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Marge how do you get banned for β€œkill yourself” (I wasn’t the one banned)

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>Your IP address currently does not meet the requirements to vote on polls.


They are rigged the votes marge

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nudev really made youtube embeds covert to an invidious instance thats always down? my fucking sides

fix it already
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (16.22 KB, 400x373) ImgOps

Are you sure? This was on /mtv/ right now so I don't think the fix actually worked.








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