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File: PizzaSteve.png 📥︎ (75.88 KB, 300x336) ImgOps


Why? Is rule 4b irellevant?


Just report for rule 4

File: Cursedchud.jpeg 📥︎ (48.6 KB, 1125x1066) ImgOps


Now everyone is just using that, instead of regular saging. You could have just made regular saging skip 2 IDs instead.


Remove supersage it's a shitty addition, also remove bump, both are unnecessary



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Just delete /g/ literally nothing gets posted there, it’s the most dead board next to /qa/.

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Thanks for your other suggestions and complaints on /q/ like >>185507 and >>185486 btw, I've not replied to them or fixed all of them yet but I plan on it.


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Thanks janny, you're welcome.

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remove fagdev's raisinty and broken youtube embedding and bring back the official youtube embeds.




spit on dat thang

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Нo я дoлжeн oбъяcнить вам, как рoдилаcь вcя эта oшибoчная идeя oбличe
אבל אני חייב להסביר לכם איך נולד כל הרעיון המוטעה הזה של
Mutta minun on selitettävä teille, miten syntyi kaikki

Above is what coversations would look like on /pol/ if you translated all messages to random languages for 12 hours a day everyday on sundays. /pol/ also needs more wordfilters, a smaller catalog and 50% of the threads were moved to /nate/ either automatically after 30 minutes/or by c0e7 manually. And any attempt to wipe /qa/ with gigachads should give the user a 50 minute ip rangeban.


File: CockroachEVOLVE.png 📥︎ (12.14 KB, 255x242) ImgOps

>Нo я дoлжeн oбъяcнить вам, как рoдилаcь вcя эта oшибoчная идeя oбличe
>אבל אני חייב להסביר לכם איך נולד כל הרעיון המוטעה הזה של
>Mutta minun on selitettävä teille, miten syntyi kaikki

>Above is what coversations would look like on /pol/ if you translated all messages to random languages for 12 hours a day everyday on sundays. /pol/ also needs more wordfilters, a smaller catalog and 50% of the threads were moved to /nate/ either automatically after 30 minutes/or by c0e7 manually. And any attempt to wipe /qa/ with gigachads should give the user a 50 minute ip rangeban.

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (204.14 KB, 645x770) ImgOps


>word filters have been lifted


Not on /pol/


LOL. 16 yr olds stay winning

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (21.58 KB, 950x774) ImgOps


Why is Jo3ls name still wordfiltered?


Because of cordtrannies in early August samefagging begging Ronald to filter my name to that back when he was angry at me in early August

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Need any more wordfilters?
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.






Ruined the chain award


janny/moderator > FROOT IS KIKENIGGER


>removed wordfilters
>except on /pol/
Kill yourself tranny janny

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ban swearing please, filter f word to
f*ck = frick
sh1t = raisin (current)
bitch = female dog


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