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File: bejoeled.png πŸ“₯︎ (194.51 KB, 942x908) ImgOps


proto-terry-joey-crews-whatever is namefagging again on /soy/ ban him


OP is a soylita pedo who sent 'p to my friend who's 16 btw

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.1 MB, 1917x907) ImgOps


fuck this broken site full of black pedophiles

File: 1695931269264.png πŸ“₯︎ (186.86 KB, 687x768) ImgOps


Ban agugu
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


do this


File: weh.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (82.12 KB, 1080x1147) ImgOps

agugugugu only want fwiend ggugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugu




File: 81679 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (360.16 KB, 841x1136) ImgOps

>>>184936 (OP)
>agugugugu only want fwiend ggugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugugu-AAAAAAAAACK!!!!


File: 1728040348813m.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (94.27 KB, 800x1055) ImgOps

Live facecam feed

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when will soygem pass applications be open? i'm ready to be frQQt's little BBC slut or however the perks are exclusive



when will thtey be handed out?


2 gorgillion years later

File: chud paddle ball.gif πŸ“₯︎ (385.01 KB, 1046x770) ImgOps


Why was a guide added to the captcha? I thought the point was to serve as a brief knowledge check before posting.


they can look them up

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (9.82 KB, 273x102) ImgOps


Instead of using the email field for anonymous/flag functions, make it an option either in settings or checkboxes near the comment field like Picrel so we can sage while using them (and so you can make it only work on boards that need them, for example, the flag function for goypasscacas is completely useless on /soy/).
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




Those who know 💀




Didn't like this, instead you can put "flag sage" or "sage flag" as your email to display your flag and sage at the same time.



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Two issues I will address in this niggerthread
>Drop down report reasons
Originally, Root asked Ronald to add a final option that the users could custom. This should be implemented. 'teens keep complaining that we can't report for special reasons, such as when furfags coal up the board or when a retard spams blacked porn.
>Thread updater
This is unfinished coal. For those who don't know, the default thread updater is functional. The only advantage the nutherad updater has is that it updates deleted posts.
Its flaws are:
<The checkbox beside the number does literally nothing anymore. Can't turn the updater off. Get rid of the checkbox or get somebody actually fix this.
<It randomly adds a chunk of old posts to the bottom, requiring the user to manually press F5 to fix. This eliminates the entire point of the thread updater.

Infinite scroll used to be a problem, but it's optional, so I no longer have an issue with it.


>Originally, Root asked Ronald to add a final option that the users could custom
Thanks for the reminder, I wanted to do this but never got around to it.

>This is unfinished coal. For those who don't know, the default thread updater is functional. The only advantage the nutherad updater has is that it updates deleted posts.

I've been working on the thread updater today. It now automatically replaces the media pending approval image with the actual file when files get approved.
><The checkbox beside the number does literally nothing anymore. Can't turn the updater off. Get rid of the checkbox or get somebody actually fix this.
The checkbox enables the old timer based thread updater and is automatically switched on if the SSE connection fails.
><It randomly adds a chunk of old posts to the bottom, requiring the user to manually press F5 to fix. This eliminates the entire point of the thread updater.
Yeah this is annoying, I'll look at fixing this now.


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Ban all nas from /soy/ make it a rule


File: 1724785715139a.png πŸ“₯︎ (48.33 KB, 384x479) ImgOps

>Ban all nas from /soy/ make it a rule
<KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK oldfroggloobas don't know about /jak/


This has been tried several times and does not work

File: perrowojak.png πŸ“₯︎ (6.12 KB, 427x400) ImgOps


Can a janny or admin on the schlog delete this thread I made thanks

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.1 MB, 1600x1895) ImgOps


Deleting your post doesn't work anymore, can you fix that?


fix it

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