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/q/ - Soyjak Party Meta

The Serious Boardβ„’ for feedback, suggestions, and jannywhining

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Updated offline.html page


what deos that mean though


Check it out yourself

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Hey jannies some polchuds have requested I make a proposal for /pol/ on here

I think most of you can agree currently soy is bad and it isn’t getting better.
I really think you guys should consider making /pol/ the main board or something along those lines (or giving /pol/ more pages). I also would like polchuds to be able to moderate their own board I think it would make people appreciate the administration a lot more. I would also appreciate giving general Niggnin (me) admin of /pol/ (no necessary doe I don’t mind not having admin).

All I’m asking is some equality for /pol/ even just a little part of these requests happening could end the tension between the two boards.
Please consider
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Lying troon


go back to your femboy thread fag


I agree


Shut up nigger monkey


go back to your nazi femboy thread fag

File: Raining Tacos - Parry Grip….mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (3.48 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps


Make videos autoplay with the volume bar half full instead of all the way. Like how the jarty did it.

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>mod ## c0e7


c0e7, please move this thread to /q/


move this to /caca/

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why is k3k wordfiltered

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>The booru finally loads
I know the booru is brim but sometimes I use it for resources and I can't find anything BECAUSE IT IS IN SLOW MOTION.

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Why does soyjak.st domain feels like its constantly being raped by 1488 botnets

File: dg8971m-95a57f91-3727-48b0….png πŸ“₯︎ (1.87 MB, 2288x1748) ImgOps


Why this gemmy be deleted from the 'ru thoughbeit






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reported for ban evasion

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its soo annoying. let us post freely like in /soy/. the zelligspam is no longer a problem, remove the cooldown mods

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