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Froot -> The Great Pumpkin
Mud -> Jack Skellington
Mustard -> Sans
janny -> monster
tranny ->witch
gem -> treat
coal -> trick
sharty -> scary
soy -> skeleton
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F*ck no. No more wordfilters.

File: Factson_3.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (169.23 KB, 775x1336) ImgOps


Boyrapist is literally the EXACT same as 'lita, arguably worse because it's furnigger brimstone, it's also a much more insidious method of grooming than 'lita could ever be.
It's also a blatant pedo dogwhistle like 'lita and just like 'lita it's posted by genuine 'corders, if 'lita is banned there is ZERO reason to not ban boyrapist too.


Do this soot

File: 83075 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (105.66 KB, 598x800) ImgOps


'RU MODS! MARGE! Why were over 60 doxxing images and videos removed from the 'ru?? The gemmiest ones, 66040 (illymation) and 75892 (gone_fishinq), too.


It's because frogniggers are domain reporting the 'Ru. The 'Ru owners probably got some warnings from the registrars and decided to take them down.


Domain reports


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Jannies truly fear the frog bvll, We takin over this bitch.


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d dada…agug ghu… i cry

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I just got banned for rule 1 by 3168 even doe I didn’t do anything like that

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my /soy/ catalog does not update


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>my /soy/ catalog does not update

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Froot why is there actual unironic epi brimstone ads on the sharty, like i get it you need to pay the bills but really nigga? Fix this NOW


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>Ads are personalizied
YOU better be explaining why do you have brimstone on your ad cookies


File: unnamed.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (50.67 KB, 900x900) ImgOps

>he sees ads

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back from school and site is ruined. kms.


i think its a great update

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marge why does this happen at the bottom of the page?

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add a captcha so /raid/ only deranged 'teens can solve because no one uses the lock and also only deranged soyteens use /raid/

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add chess board so I don't have to do cordnigger chess

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