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File: 6d00281a-e1b6-4d25-99e3-17….png πŸ“₯︎ (127.45 KB, 845x850) ImgOps


Did the way you make spintext change? Nothing I try works anymore.




only works on sumbols in the english alpahabet


My text only testeralds weren't working, I'll try here.

File: literally me.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (32.33 KB, 724x619) ImgOps


please add /kkk/. /pol/ is similar and the site as a whole but we need a place for 'teens to let their gem sides shine and where non-animated NAS (only racist real life NAS thoughbeit) can thrive.

File: 1724095253637f.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (29.44 KB, 681x601) ImgOps


>agugu still not banned


obsessed with agugARYANS yet again award


File: Brown_Pedo_Tranny_ACK.png πŸ“₯︎ (66.79 KB, 255x239) ImgOps

>obsessed with agugARYANS yet again award


obsessed with aguGODS


Obsessed with little kids award


they literally allow it because it's cpbait (you already know zellig fans) and they know it, it boosts pph like crazy
never give attention to their threads it's always bait

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (61.8 KB, 600x200) ImgOps


allow for webp file support

File: 1727839222741o.jpeg πŸ“₯︎ (174.06 KB, 1024x1024) ImgOps


add Chud [iFunny]


Add [Discord] to the booru


mustard do this

File: 1720417468061.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (19.2 KB, 486x468) ImgOps


No one asked for VPN checks to be disabled on /pol/
It just leads to more attention-seeking and other undesirable behavior
/pol/ is supposed to be a serious board and you just ruined it.


blocking vpns is brimstone
first keyed thing sharty/pol/ ever did
cry more

File: 1725154988326d.gif πŸ“₯︎ (56.61 KB, 814x1091) ImgOps


When an image is getting approved, make it so jannies will have to mark it as NSFW or SFW. then replace this retarded nsfw filter with an option if you dont want to see porn or not.


File: 1724361640169j.png πŸ“₯︎ (10.94 KB, 432x150) ImgOps

>then replace this retarded nsfw filter with an option if you dont want to see porn or not.


I don't mind seeing titties, but gore is kind of annoying. Better idea, is to make a NSFL filter, assuming the jannies aren't too lazy to actually enforce it. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the gem users also post gore, considering the ones that give them out are Jewish (still waiting on mine)


nigga its horrible and you can bypass it easily, its better for a human moderator to determine if its NSFW or not


Jannies to lazy

File: Wholesome caterrino.png πŸ“₯︎ (54.83 KB, 184x184) ImgOps


Now that the unpaid no-life jannies have added the bump feature it's time they add a double sage feature so threads go down. If you get trips quads or quints it deletes op's post.


This suggestion is autistic


go down


It's your lucky day.

File: IMG_0090.png πŸ“₯︎ (20.69 KB, 1031x1075) ImgOps


Add a button to that one steganography site next to imgops so we can see what images are embedded



File: 1703267253123.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (11.19 KB, 234x250) ImgOps


Remove the ability to skip a post # with mailto:bump
It might be funny and all but it gets annoying quickly


Also jannies I can't negrobump threads anymore when other people can for no reason, I don't even partake in negrobumping that much, fix it

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