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 β„–2822Quote[Last 50 Posts]

ITT we post beautiful valid black xueens in their natural habitat


She is saying in tanzeguabian I was a missionary there so know some basic vocab here's my translation:
<What are you doing, you're not a kite.
>I'm a filthy nigger! I need to Dieee ACK!



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This is a video of a United Arab Emirates woman abusing her Ethiopian servant. She was arrested and the Ethiopian lady lived.


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Aryan skibi toilet teen is unfazed by BBB


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black kween BTFOing a racist whyteboy


shes from kuwait not uae albeit


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I guess she regretted it and that's why she started screaming for help. Apparently it's a common thing that people instantly regret their suicide attempt in the middle of it as many suicide survivors say that.


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>>>7274228 (You)
>>yeah bro, she totally didn't die when she fell seven floors and thudded against a fat tin roof! i know we watched it and anyone would die from it but, SHE DIDNT FUCKIN DIE! the media said it and they NEVER lie to us, right?


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Transracial black lady


>>>>7274228 (You)
>>>Words words words everything is le heckin conspiracy the media LIED about her surviving cuz uhh reasons and stuff


middle eastern countries have an abysmal track record with migrant workers and treat them with slave-like conditions, even depriving the migrant of their passport to go home. they’re stuck and are essentially indentured servants.


shiiiieeeeeeeet we wuz aryanz n shiiieeeeeet


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White baby factory


>Sky is blue


yeah punches don't really matter unless you are hitting critical spots


>muzzies making chud's wet dream a reality


>black kween BTFOing a racist whyteboy
Proof that black people are superior to aryans


dude remember that fucking World Cup of Qatar? Fucking construction had multiple construction casualties because they forced unskilled south Asians and East Africans to work on it. many have died from building the stadium


It's very sad


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slopjak deluxe


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middle east countries love doing that, the king of saudi araia literally said that pakis are their slaves but niggers from 3rd world shitholes still go there because they get paid way more than they do in their homelands


>>2897 i live close to where this video was recorded


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it is south africa


what place is that i can't even tell the continent


Be glad you’re born in a safer country, they might be poor niggers or jeets but the slavery there I just can’t make a joke out of.


>what place is that i can't even tell the continent


its south africa/cape town judging by the license plates


Did you get some action and got some dark chocolate


cape town south africa i live about and hour away from the exact place that video was recorded. i have literally been to that beach before


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yeah i know, some of my family members almost got kidnapped there in the uae even though they were just tourists


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ooo, does it have that many niggers and do they all look like that


>cape town
>does it have that many niggers



im white so its not really that bad but im mainly staying in south africa due to family


i dunno much about south africa except for like coco and a guy i knew from there who punched his balls


most black women are that fat, in nigger culture being that fat is considered beautiful but the residents of that area are mainly white since its one of the most expensive areas to live in south africa. niggers go there because they think their slick not because they can afford it


really wonder how they can consider being that fat beautiful


you don't see videos like that with white people or however the truth is nuked


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all rise to the national anthem of burger land


probably bcs their "culture" worships money and in the jungle being fat is a sign of wealth


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fellow black negroid not doing anything as to not get shot by the police.
smart niggers ngl




reminds me of how having yellow teeth was seen as being filthy rich in the medeival era, but thats probably too advanced for niggers


its simple
fat = has access to more food


yeah but having a lot of food isn't really a flex today


Their pea sized brains can't comprehend that


negro insipiens think differently


it was mostly because of sugar
the middle east has some of the highest obesity rates in the world and some of them are even fatter than the us


obsessed brimstone


yeah its mostly oil filled gulf countries like kuwait, uae and saudi arabia while the war torn countries like somalia and yemen don't really have anything to eat


obsessed shitalian brimstone




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>obsessed shitalian brimstone


/cado/'s secret girlfriend


Hey its me RATIO


Jarty winned


you WILL post more niggeralds for my entertainment slf


am out of kweens but i might have more male niggeralds though


timmy should go to the gym and lift heavy things


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doesnt matter, POST NOOOOOW selfish


he should be doing roids like 'rone


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>nigra too stupid to not steal while being recorded


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>niggers too dumb to not shoot each other




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posting police activity footage is cheating + they don't post any good stuff anywayever


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Looney Toons logic didn't work


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literal 'coon lmao


dumbest niggers on planet earth


this one's a gem though


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das rite crackas, keep licken dis boots


no clue


with niggers who can tell the difference


people studying them probably


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/floyd/ general on the 'log


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>that one with the skull mask
is this hyperborea?

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