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/giga5/ - Gigachads

5th iteration.

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File: giga24.png 📥︎ (98.55 KB, 723x666) ImgOps

 â„–62[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

ITT we say random shit every once in a while to boost PPH so this board doesn't get deleted
147 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf slf Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




File: can you call my saul.jpg 📥︎ (18.51 KB, 400x289) ImgOps

Better Call Saul

File: 1052 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (134.09 KB, 859x960) ImgOps

File: giga1.png 📥︎ (335.28 KB, 978x1200) ImgOps



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I, of sound mind, not as bait fr fr no cap, scouts' honor for realizes, certify that I want to fuck a soft squishy obese transgender woman. I want to squeeze her boipillows until they're red.

File: gigachad-cirno-v0-r7qjr8bl….png 📥︎ (349.05 KB, 640x960) ImgOps


<i enjoyn touhou


File: 1725529216897w.jpg 📥︎ (8.17 KB, 214x255) ImgOps

Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend


File: sobchad.PNG 📥︎ (166.8 KB, 495x486) ImgOps

OP is not a woman, 'chads


File: E8hLionWUAs74c4.jpg 📥︎ (57.22 KB, 1051x981) ImgOps


how can i make a female /giga/ like this?

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File: gigadriller.png 📥︎ (515.42 KB, 1080x774) ImgOps

File: gigadwarf.png 📥︎ (2.4 MB, 3508x2080) ImgOps


>Do I hear a Rock and Stone?
<Rock and stone!
>Do I hear a Rock and Stone?
<Rock and stone!
>Do I hear a Rock and Stone?
<Rock and stone!
<Rock and stone!
<Rock and stone!
>Rock, stone, rock and stone,
>Rock, stone, rock and stone,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: armed_giga.gif 📥︎ (796.22 KB, 185x250) ImgOps


we need to kill all niggers and use them as biofuel to launch pajeets into space

File: giga_more_like_ciga.png 📥︎ (692.05 KB, 1062x1196) ImgOps


at least c0e7 doesn't moderate this board

File: car.png 📥︎ (293.33 KB, 1026x683) ImgOps


I imported an indian into europe to teach my son sanskrit so he will feel more closer to his aryan heritage, however he instead taught my son Maithili and now i'm £400k in debt.


never redeem

File: GigaGun.png 📥︎ (958.14 KB, 1881x1958) ImgOps


If i was the site administrator, i would remove every board (except /raid/, /pol/ and /giga5/)
And add new boards such as:
/FAWS/ (Firearms and weapon smithing)
/MW/ (Modern warfare tactics)
/NT/ (Niggertown niggermotel)
/NCRP/ (Necrophilia board)


I want you as administrator


File: Gigachud.jpg 📥︎ (17.94 KB, 400x400) ImgOps



File: armed_giga.gif 📥︎ (796.22 KB, 185x250) ImgOps

make this guy our admin



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