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I think i am too autistic to get a girlfriend.
And even then, there's no girls i like in my school.
They're all weird whores.


Same. I have the looks but im too avtistic


Kill yourself for eugenics


same but I also get sweaty around girls 💦


I never had a gf or female friends oregano

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How can we mog normalfags, fellow robots?

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Dead fucking board


everyone roped KEKEKEKERALD



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Why do jannies act so mean and take my threads down when i wasn't bothering anyone?

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how do you guys cope?




alcohol and videogames. I wish it wasnt this way.

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Why not move to China?like seriously its not even that crazy hard to find a job there (as a white Guy)and chinese girls will be all over you just because of your skin and western features
See 1. Pic its fucking crazy and i read so many stories on chinese media how their White bf once in china cheated on them with many Woman because so many wanted them
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4cuck tier thread


>Nooo you cant just give good advice on how to have a decent life even if you are ugly


Get lost chink


They're hell to deal with, especially if you take them out of the country


WMAF for men is about low-hanging fruit. They can't get their women and want low hanging fruit so they don't have to try. The pleasure derived from WMAF is fleeting and temporary. It's a hollow and unfulfilling kind of happiness. WMAF is just Blacked in a different flavor. No love, no respect, just porn addicts and BWC memes

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How do i stop being nostalgic all the time i was nostalgic and depressed ten years ago and now ten years later im nostalgic and depresed for those times ten years ago. i need to stop this retardation because in ten years i know i will be looking at these times with nostalgia again. How do i stop
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you only remember specifics on good times. Thats why people think a long time ago people were hotter and music was better. The only reason they think this is because the only stuff that was preserved that long is the best. Also you might be a nonbinary transmasc.


now that you've realized that you're in a cycle, maybe do something or take a different perspective in life to try and break it.
If you keep doing the exact same routine and thinking the exact same way, your situation is not going to change.


dont worry eventually you get bored of asking this question and just avoid this whole nostalgia shit due to having overused it

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Brutal blackpill
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this image broke /r9k/ and it started the incelosphere we know it as today


Tgis guy made trannies locate hime, rip off his pants and molest him.


Anyone who saw this screengrab and didn't immediately think "what a pathetic individual" is a turbocuck with lowtest and is currently going hormone therapy to transition


>thinking no one goes through hards times and thinks of ways to self improve


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This. Additionally, self improvement is a pretty common thing and has been for hundreds of years.

Is getting through college with the expectation that all the hard work will allow you to increase your income not self improvement?
Is going to the gym and eating healthier food with the expectation that this will improve your quality of life, energy levels, and attractiveness not self-improvement?
Is saving money in order to buy a home not self improvement?
All these things are common and "normie".

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stop moving threads

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Take my meds and go to bed! Who do you think you are!


NAHHHH who dis ohio ahh bludddd fr☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ ONG

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