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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

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what are your fetishes

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not very nice of you janjan. it was an honest question.


no one cares

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haven't been here in a while what's up soyteens


cya at r9k

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marge who's the janny having a leakdown

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Cant allow any active or fun threads on /soy/, sorry

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Was Hitler poopoo?



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I want the person I love to hit my face repeatedly with his fist until my nose breaks and his fist is covered in blood so that I can lick my blood from his fist, is it a normal wish?
62 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: soyakbuffering.gif 📥︎ (1.32 MB, 255x249) ImgOps

>good threads moved
>this isn't
this nigger is a retard


moved it again award


asking for them to be posted again award


Everyone ITT kys
Gooned to this


boobs on the ban list

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Soot never existed


kys gapejack spammer




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>Obsessed o algo


Shes right


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was rhodesia really like this?


no they would all be hiding in a storm shelter from nigger rebels


yes they would all be fucking in a storm shelter with sigma edits


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Idk but goonerald…


Oh my good science, the woman before my very own eyes displays a level of attractiveness beyond a magnitude of which I can comprehend

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Dear /r9k/, what are your fetishes?

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