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Early zoomers and late millenials are the best generations since ww2, because they grew up with the early internet rather than with their lead poisoned parents or the retarded modern internet

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Where does this thread go




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>Where does this thread go

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add the right to bear arms so we can kill this obsessed janny


ITT before moved to /r9k/


Keyed janny moving coal threads

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>rogue janny destroying the log

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why do tranny jannies delete the only active threads


nigga what


made them leak


ohhhhh no no no no no no

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why do tranny jannies always watch JCS criminal psychology for 50 minutes when 'p is on the 'log

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No one told me that part of pubarty would be when you have Dingleberrys and in your buttcrack now Im nearing adulthood at 17 and feel betrayt and lost that i dont know about this or how to deal with it and have to go around with a stinky butt and just poop stuck there


Shave retard


Shaving is for faggots
I enjoy my hairy butthole

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What phenotype is this? Asking for a friend
22 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Latin, italic


Southern Europe


Fat gay braphog nigger pedophile child predator no pussy in a while phenotype




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they appear in the pupils




die out




Very educational very fundamental.


what is this new lee guys?

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I have a crush and want to communicate with xer but xhe is scared of me and i am a incel
Am i fucked?
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>xhe is scared of me
How do you know that she is?


Ignores me and looks disgusted near me


If that is the case literally don't bother, if you want a gf you have to be hot and have money


Damn that sucks dont obsess over bitches like that theyre not worth your time
Silence blackpillcel


playing hard to get. its a raisin test. never give up. never give in. always go on. never respond to stop

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