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better than the one on the 'cuck

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This happened yesterday btw
5 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Why you screaming lil bro


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my precious… my precious jacks…


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Fucking legendary thread holy raisin

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is the site dead? where did everybody go?


why is this board not hidden anymore

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you VILL post on dead nigger board >>>/r9k/ and you VILL be happy


Is the site down?


Why am I being muted for unoriginal content all I said was Marge


it's /r9k/ newGOD

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okay why the fuck is everything being moved to r9k


/incel/ lost so these troons are trying to force this troonraisin on everyone


the jannies are racist just how like in the slave trade white people (jannies) moved soyteens (africans) away from their ancestral homeland of /soy/ (africa) and took them to america (r9k)

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i dont care about your troonish socially awkward adventures

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I refuse to approach women. If a woman likes me so much, they can put in the effort themselves.
>b-b-but that's your job!
>you're being selfish!
>you're gonna be left alone!!
Fucking cope. I'm not risking what little social standing I've accrued from years of being bullied just so some thot can publicly drag me through the dirt because I dared to approach her.
19 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Why don't you just not do that



I don’t mean it in a smug way I mean in a sad autistic way.


It is not that easy to overcome a personality disorder, im literally diagnosed nigga


you are a tranny kys lol yunabwf yuoaunwab ywnbag

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How does one come to terms with the fact a woman will never love them remotely to the same degree they do? Like not even in the same universe, youre basically a living commodity at best to them that can be traded out for the better version, while to you she is your world


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i dont car nigga im going to rape your and your motjher

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if you use this board like you do the 4cuck one i will kill you

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just shot a lizard with an airsoft pellet gun in my backyard
Estimated Lizards: 8
Estimated Kill count: 3


why would you do this lizards are nice


fuck them i wish i could catch them in peace but they start running like a nigger does




why would you do this lizards are nice

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