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I'll probably never get to have a family.


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maybe I will go to Asia or something and rape women there since I can overpower European women



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>The Amazing Digital Circus
>Murder Drones

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what should i do?

i don't have anything "going on" for me apart from my looks/fitness/muscles and my intelligence. i only have 3 online friends who i don't talk to much because they're not often available. i am home-schooled so i have no social interactions, and when I have the opportunity to interact, i choose work/hobbies over interactions. i tried to go to a club to socialize but because of high school and college application deadlines i didn't go , though i might once the college applications are done. the only non instantaneous pleasures i get is from feeling better than everyone else(followed by feeling being worse than everyone else sometimes), hugging my pillow (which i fantasize is a romantic partner) and hobbies(like building a robot or learning a language). i can't talk to anyone about this because all the people i know are already tired of me. i feel robotic and barely human. i have no idea who i am despite knowing what i think i want (to be perfect and succeed in everything).

i tried asking chatgpt for advice but it just spat out random bullraisin



>the only non instantaneous pleasures i get is from feeling better than everyone else(followed by feeling being worse than everyone else sometimes
you have some self esteem issues, pretty normal if you're young. you need to get sunlight and talk to people irl it's the only way to lower your autism. Your online friends aren't your real friends. You aren't a fuckup though and you're doing well.

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/incel/ mega thread
all incels assemble
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>being average height is also not enough
6 feet will be the new 5'7 at some point
I am a neet not really depressed just accepted it
maybe I will try later in life but for now I rot away


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probably rage bait but you never know


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not really this extreme but very close


Just become a normie, way easier that way
It was always like this, just talk to your imam lol


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Just drug and rape women dumb retards.

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ITT post goon material, nothing illegal and no porn allowed
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>only niggers can find this white woman attractive!


this is a look into what the log is going to look like 8 years in the future


>thread got moved
its joever


killed the thread award


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never ever goon

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I was a femcel for 2 years and then I started attention whoring and now men suddenly want me

why is dis
72 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Get off and never come back kid go study or something


Please MERRY CHRISTMAS snowman


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Aryan thread saving da crackkkas o algo


>this thread


is this nigger still around

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im an incel freak and i goon 24/7 in my room while i hate innocent black people for no reason, also im proud to be scared of jewish people #gooning #freak #incel


nice image tho

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I'm so bored with it all, I don't know what to do


Just commit homicide o algo


become an extremist

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Chvds, what do I do? I’m currently exactly a week away from one of my two final maths exams for 12th grade. (I’m
Not from America or Europe so my school years starts in January and ends in December, it’s weird but that’s how it works. Anyways though the main issue is that I have only a 44% average for maths but a minimum of 60% is required to apply to most universities and I should ideally have 65%-70% to guarantee a position in most entry level to midrange universities. Final exams are weighted 60% and the rest of the years marks are weighted 40% (basically my 44% is 40% of my year mark for anybody who doesn’t understand since I think I explained this poorly), so I have calculated that I need at least a 72% average between my 2 final maths exams in order to get at least 60% as my final 12th grade maths mark. This is significantly higher than my current mark but still achievable if I put in enough effort does anyone here have any tips about getting started with studying, my issues are not usually study methods but actually getting started is my main issue. Any advice would be appreciated evendoe half of you niggas probably aren’t going to read this text wall.
13 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


try to start with time and take it slow and actually make an effort to learn and understand instead of just memorizing


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Well, today was the day of my exam. Honestly I’m super surprised by how it went, it wasn’t too bad actually. I doubt I’ll get 72% like I was aiming for but I’m sure I got at least a 50 if not a 60 if I’m lucky. I’m probably not going to get a 60% average at the end of the year but I guess it could be worse. What annoys me a bit is that because I go to a private school my tests are considerably more difficult that public schools yet universities don’t recognise that. I guess I’m glad I have had the opportunity to go to a private school and perhaps this makes my situation even more pathetic since I’ve had more opportunities than most. Thoughever in the country that I live in private schools are quite affordable even for middle class families (which I am middle class).


I think subconsciously I have a resistance towards studying because my lizard brain uses procrastination as a protection mechanism which ironically is counterproductive because if I actually stuLet your heart be bright!d I would have no reason to worry.


I guess I have a bit more time now to prepare for my final maths examination in 25 days. This is truly my last opportunity if I want to actually have the possibility to go into higher education. Perhaps I should study for just 30 minutes a day. I study so little for maths that setting such a low bar like that would actually be an improvement.


Up, I still need study tipperinos evendoe nobody cares and nobody has probably even read half of this raisin

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>Be me, 33-year-old married man and father, very handsome
>sissy/crossdressing kink
>troon out for Halloween and go out to bars with str8 friends
>receive a lot of attention and am instantly addicted
>download grindr
>meet this hot hung 21-year-old man who wants to sneak me into his dorm room tomorrow where he wants to watch me dress up and then take my anal virginity

Should I do it? This is like a peak manic fantasy for me. Its like Im in a fever dream. I love my wife but i want to experience this really badly. Can I just do it


jfl + dnr + tales from mumbai


not reading allat


4cuck frogniggers do be like that doe

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