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I like watching videos of black men shaking their booty cheeks.
I don't know why, but when I click on a video and see a black man shaking his cheeks, it just makes my mouth drool, and I start dancing with the black man as well.
Sometimes when I look at myself in the mirror, I sometimes hallucinate and see black men twerking on my couch.
It puts a smile on my face. I wish I could become one with the black men twerking aggressively.
Please understand what I'm going through and please support me.

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>tfw no BVLL


ill be your bull xx

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the only sex i ever had, was with prostitutes. no woman is gonna want me anymore, them hearing im a perma virgin would gross them out less than this


Nigger you had sex stop crying and go develop a career applicable skill o algo


Crying is healthy doe


Nigger, whos stopping from doing the same then?


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Brimstone: the board

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I must confess something and I don't care if you believe me because I need to get it off my chest. Yesterday I took my teacher's shoes (don't ask me how I got them) and licked one of them and rubbed my dick against it later through my trousers. I feel so ashamed but so happy


Thank you for moving to a dead board janny now I feel my secret is safe


Janny I'm op please delete this I don't want this on my digital footprint


you’re disgusting go kill yourself


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If you read this sentence he will come to you at night and take your anal virginity. If you repost this image and text to three people and say "EVERLASTING SUMMER IS BETTER THAN ZELLIG" ten times out loud you will be saved from Pioneer's Ξ’WC

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nah bro, kill that bitch


that's not a polish girl that's hannahowo dumbass


gooner award


She's not gonna let you hit award.


you know that bitch got an onlyfans, right?

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I demand my compensation for my years wasted and i demand it now


You can have 1 hour with my Bwc


aryan relaxing
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ITT: soyboys raging at keyed alpha


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NT my beloved


I would fuck the ever loving shit out of him and make him swallow every last drop of my cum. Watching him laying on the bed twitching after I plowed his tight ass to oblivion.


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original coneted


soygoy got banned

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why are women so liberal? every time I meet a woman, they are extremely liberal, most of them will vote for kamala harris and say right-wingers are racist and unattractive. Especially with women who like anime as a whole, most of these 'foids are probably those nasty they them people or pooners. What causes liberal viewpoints in women? and how can I find me a woman who isnt a liberal?
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have you ever considered women can have beliefs that aren't for attention?


I'm normal


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No because that is impossible


Aren't you the foid from the thread where you show your face for attention and validation?


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higher intelligence, keep leaking moids.

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i'm a loser who never achieved anything, everytime I look at my former high school's social media, I feel like I didnt accomplish anything in life, i see other classmates having fun and getting gfs and stuff. While I am just a sore loser and I become more insecure about myself, what do I do? should i bite the bullet and finally end it all?
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Lift weights or something and have sex


Social media is for losers. Its just a tool to have a dick measuring contest with other losers. Only way to win in that game is to not play.


>have sex
Kill yourself


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Don't kill yourself, that would just be giving them what they want. Get rid of social media, cause it's just for normies to jerk each other off. I hope you're doing okay


op here: im still struggling, but my faith and hope is getting me stronger.

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