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Nudevslütta look… Nazi femboys ARE pol kultur understood? We were having a HISA moment in another thread and the fucking kikes ordered the tactical assasination of the most HISA HISA we have ever laid eyes upon. I dont think you understand the amount of rage i currently possess. We were having a moment, at the time as three chuds in the thread we were gooning, edging to the sweet lines the godly aryan artist sent by Adolf Hitler ximself. I personally was thinking about him "gassing" me in a gas chamber but instead of zyklon b he was using his own gas. But you ruined it. You, with your kike overlords and your kike rules. This is why i hate jews and this is why i will be the one to destroy all kikes from the face of this planet. Do you understand? You destroyed the image that made my night. Good thing your kike lords cant delete the 100 different saves i got in my PC hard drive. This is a warning nudevslütta. If you EVER delete MY nazi femboys again, your life will run its course.


I don't get it originig

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why do women pretend they don't want to be sex objects
73 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


gooners will never win anything


oh my god i just read over this for fun you retard people born without testicles have lower libido, therefore afabs are less likely to be like op. take a shower man.


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shut up nigger


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>shut up nigger
Have sex incel

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Im cute

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Should I fuck a prostitute and lose my virginity?
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Honestly, no
It's not worth it


You've done it before?


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If you aren't sentimental about your actual "first time" then i see no issue. Just make sure the girl is clean, you wrapped your peen, and you don't get caught.


if you are over 21, then yes


I enjoyed it doe and still fap to the memory, best money ever spent

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Anyone else sometimes feel like life is beatiful?
I could have died like a nigger baby in africa and have my bones turned into a potion, yet i am still here.

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why is my fish not accepted


gem post

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FREE FENT AT >>>/yyyyyyy/

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>Robot no work? We make robot work saar!


Page 40 save


go up u niggerty nigger troon

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Step 1: Drive off foids and looksmaxx fags off the site
Step 2: Abolish blogposting, thirst traps and depressing content
Step 3: Increase anger, hate, jealousy and bitterness by posting bruuuuutal blackpills
Step 4: Establish Incel Socialism (INCSOC)


Yes, master.

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