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>Another forced controlled opposition war on the log


who what where, all I see is the usual bait and ignored posts


lil chuddy strikes again
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



Someone here should buy the two genders shirt and wear it in public, it would automatically get on the news


cutecore comment


>lil chuddy is le cutecore
Kys pedo


The 41% became the 101% after this gem dropped

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (24.27 KB, 220x221) ImgOps


Most soicucks who post nowadays "jartycuck" probably don't even know what jarty is.
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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>>Jarty won.


Jarty has just shut down recently, wait until march 2025 then you can start saying that since it'll be true


>xhe doesn't know


Soicacas forget whatever happened last month anyways.

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ITT we make a bunch of lil chuddy memes that will make trannies seethe
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


you guys are acting like this kid is based or something. Her parents are probably some magatards who worship israel



File: amerimutt.png πŸ“₯︎ (122.59 KB, 500x525) ImgOps

So what's the issue



Yes. You have a problem with that, chud?

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reposted gem on the 'og





Why don't they use the fire extinguisher that is right above the stove?

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>worshipping pisskikeschaisesrael


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>worshipping israel
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>>>>worshipping israel



a frogcuck posted this


File: 1727126420167f.gif πŸ“₯︎ (1.5 MB, 250x250) ImgOps

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews


Moved to >>>/pol/570248.

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gem that killed 6 million frogcacas
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I did too.


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self-own actually, it shows that soikikes are homosexual (it was kind of obvious with a fat man's asshole being part of the "culture", but now this solidifies it)




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>gem that killed 6 million frogcac-ACK


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New gem just dropped




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>plot holes in my waifuslop china rpg #9942752? i need to make a quirky relatable skit about this


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>I…iz 'bot


wasnt the dnb photo staged



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There are is no gem or coal. If a aryan chuddy chud plays a videogame then its gemmy but if the aryan chuddy chud was a pajeet tranny communist then the
videogame would be a coal. Thus the videogame itself isnt a gem or a coal, the person playing the videogame makes it coaly or gemmy. This also applies to videos, images and text.

(Jak is arab because i like Jamal al-din al-afghani, i promess im white)


File: jeetimp.png πŸ“₯︎ (251.57 KB, 398x522) ImgOps

>There are is no gem or coal. If a aryan chuddy chud plays a videogame then its gemmy but if the aryan chuddy chud was a pajeet tranny communist then the
>videogame would be a coal. Thus the videogame itself isnt a gem or a coal, the person playing the videogame makes it coaly or gemmy. This also applies to videos, images and text.

>(Jak is arab because i like Jamal al-din al-afghani, i promess im white)


one man's coal is another man's gem


Nigga i insulted india and al-afgani litterally got exiled from india because he was too based


File: aryan-indian.gif πŸ“₯︎ (5.37 MB, 640x558) ImgOps

>>>9014294 (You)
>Nigga i insulted india and al-afgani litterally got exiled from india because he was too based

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hi soyfellas, im a frogjew here to say my clitty fell off


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>hi soyfellas, im a frogjew here to say my clitty fell off

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Who is Chud SUPER SAGE! and why does he reply to all of my posts?


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Literal who namefag mods move it to /qa/

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>makes 0-effort NAS bait
>gets thrembillion replies
<makes gemmy soyquote
<gets 0 replies


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β–ΆChud Just now β„–9014264Quote [Subscribe] [Voice Chat]
>makes 0-effort NAS bait
>gets thrembillion replies
<makes gemmy soyquote
<gets 0 replies


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>>makes 0-effort NAS bait
>>gets thrembillion replies
><makes gemmy soyquote
><gets 0 replies

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>This is the exact moment when Cobson became Heisenberg

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The school is over.
Billions must do homework.


raisin bait do better

File: plier yapping.gif πŸ“₯︎ (331.1 KB, 596x800) ImgOps


>You just defined a definition of consumer from a legal point of view, but that definition isn't the universal definition. You're only using this definition because it's the only way you're not completely wrong in your argument, but a consumer generally means anyone who uses the product.
>You were wrong, end of discussion. I'm muting this thread so I get the last word, because my word was correct, and yours was wrong, consider yourself educated, you're welcome.


File: giga1.png πŸ“₯︎ (335.28 KB, 978x1200) ImgOps

>im right and you are wrong just because it is


File: 1727151994579s.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.92 MB, 2289x2289) ImgOps

>>im right and you are wrong just because it is


why did you have to make a whole thread


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>>>im right and you are wrong just because it is


i shot you therefore i won
consider yourself defeated

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Are bikes soy or aryan?
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They're in the middle of of it imo


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>>>9013682 (OP)
>bikes be built fo bbc mane, the only time a niggaz on a bike is wen he be stealin dat shiet


Aryan. Being savage barbarians, niggers' bodies are optimized for explosive strength which makes them poor cyclists.


bikes are aryan but feel like soy


File: soyakclap.gif πŸ“₯︎ (44.8 KB, 550x400) ImgOps

>I gotta ask the shardee if a thing is aryan or niggerish before using it

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>β€œRacism” against white people isn’t worth talking about because it has no power. It’s just de-railing actual discussions about racism and the people (of color) it actually affects.
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/pol/ Is chuddy /qa/


Why sage its philosophy trvke?



/pol/ is like /qa/ but raisinty and full of gay baiting niggers. At least /qa/ has some gebvlls


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>>Racism isnt against one race, racism is a allmost universal feeling withing everyone (execpt williams syndrome) everybody is racist against the other group. If there were no colors we would be xenophobic against other religions, cultures, and country/nations. I lived from 2015 to 2023 in a first nation reserve i was a called nigger and a white bitch. "Buttt le colonisation power structure blablabla" i was the ONLY white guy who wasnt an adult in the community of 5000 and guess they dont just hate white people they hate everyone from niggers to the chinks and the jews did they ever see a jew? No but they still spray paint hitler did nothing wrong. Another example now this one is different but my friend who is black (i belive that not all blacks are niggers but most are) was a victim of racism from other black people because he wasnt black egnough and his father was an arab.

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