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There are is no gem or coal. If a aryan chuddy chud plays a videogame then its gemmy but if the aryan chuddy chud was a pajeet tranny communist then the
videogame would be a coal. Thus the videogame itself isnt a gem or a coal, the person playing the videogame makes it coaly or gemmy. This also applies to videos, images and text.

(Jak is arab because i like Jamal al-din al-afghani, i promess im white)


File: jeetimp.png 📥︎ (251.57 KB, 398x522) ImgOps

>There are is no gem or coal. If a aryan chuddy chud plays a videogame then its gemmy but if the aryan chuddy chud was a pajeet tranny communist then the
>videogame would be a coal. Thus the videogame itself isnt a gem or a coal, the person playing the videogame makes it coaly or gemmy. This also applies to videos, images and text.

>(Jak is arab because i like Jamal al-din al-afghani, i promess im white)


one man's coal is another man's gem


Nigga i insulted india and al-afgani litterally got exiled from india because he was too based


File: aryan-indian.gif 📥︎ (5.37 MB, 640x558) ImgOps

>>>9014294 (You)
>Nigga i insulted india and al-afgani litterally got exiled from india because he was too based

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