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are charcuterie boards soy culture?
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think about it


I thought about it and decided charcuterie boards has nothing to do with soy culture


black olives


according to your logic, our world is soy culture because there are these


the world has soy boys, and woah boys. maybe jacks too.

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The fact you say that shows you've been tricked by porn into thinking people don't have free will.

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all soytran lovers deserve to be lynched
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>>>9013207 (You)
>thanks, I'll tell him to make more


hi. im a her now.


cobbess issa gem


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>hi. im a her now.


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ᛁ αš¦α›αšΎαš² ᛁᛏ αšΉα›Ÿαš’α›šα›ž α›’α›– αš αš’αšΎαšΎα› α›αš  αš¨α›šα›š α›ŠαšΊα›–α›—α›—α›αš²αš’αš²αš²α›Š αš¨αšΎα›ž α›ƒαš¨αš±α›α›αš²αš’αš²αš²α›Š α›žα›α›–α›ž α›αšΎ α›Šα›α›—αš’α›šα›αš¨αšΎα›–α›Ÿαš’α›Šα›šα› αš¨αš·α›ŸαšΎα›

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I've had quite a few black bullies growing up. I've always thought ir porn was so hot. Because I'm so small I never get to see the satisfaction a women gets from good sex first hand. I got my wife into my cuckold fetish and after she tried it she was more into bbc than I was. I tried to control the situation by insisting that he wear a condom but he was not going to listen. When we found out she was pregnant my heart dropped into my stomach. I wanted to cry. I hadn't had sex with her in months so I knew it wasn't mine. Also our friends and family had heard the rumors that we were bringing black guys home to fuck my wife. We denied all of these but showing up with a black baby would be a different story. At that point I thought I am so fucked. My life is over. Then I pictured the bull laughing about my predicament. (Turns out he was and did it on purpose) The pregnancy was a mix of emotions as well. My wife was really getting huge and I wondered if she would have gotten that big with my child. Her tits started producing milk right away. My family threw us a gender reveal and people came up to congratulate me or give me a high 5 I felt a little humiliation. Sleeping next to my heavily pregnant wife while I knew it was his black child was really hot too. Then we came to the delivery. Up until then I was hoping the baby would come out with somewhat lighter skin so it wasn't so obvious. No luck, from the time I could see his hair I knew I would never be able to pass this child off as mine. He ended up being almost 11lbs. The nurses were shocked and it was very awkward. I did see a few snickers. I've been defeated by his black seed and everyone knows it. It's domesticated me and I get no pussy what so ever. If this happens to every white boy then we'll all be living in the BNWO.
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trueflagger o algo


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kys tranny frognigger


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the grooming never ends on this hellhole of a website


This NSFW change could have drastic consequences…
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Corrupted file award


soycacas suck bbc penis lol


Even doe Thanos is purple


Literally me

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reported for advertising your video




video is older than OP


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>video is older than OP

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Halloween parties are fun


very cute


damn OP, you have some really feminine hands

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I'm 21 years old now, and I've been watching this type of porn (and this type of porn only) since I was 13 years old. My dick literally does not get hard anymore unless I watch this genre of hardcore, DEEP into the fetish rabbit hole pornography. A naked, attractive woman my age could walk into my room right now, and I wouldn't feel a single thing in my penis. Not even a slight erection or movement. Another thing that has caused this is the fact that I have NEVER, not once, even masturbated normally. I have quite literally never used my hands to jerk off before. I've masturbated by humping my mattress since I was 12 years old, almost every single day.

I've also never even hugged a woman before, let alone kissed or had sex with one. I'm 5'9, 143 LBS, and extremely skinnyfat. I have a pudgy stomach, and not a sliver of muscle on my body. I only take around 3,000 steps a day, and am exhausted after just 3-5 minutes of jogging. I can't do more than 12 pushups in a row. I'm always tired, and can never sleep for more than six hours.

I don't know what to do. I need help, and I need it RIGHT NOW. I can't live this way anymore, especially at 20 fucking years old. I should be in the best shape of my life, studying and working the hardest that I ever have, meeting new people all the time, making friends, and getting laid, since this is the last time I'll ever been around this many people my age at the same time.
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fuck you too


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>>>9013267 (You)
>fuck you too


Keep gooning. It's good for you.


you are evil


I'm just telling him the truth

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Suspicious amount of noise? Oh yeah it's embedded.

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My parents told me to kill myself after I came out as trans.
What should I do?


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take the advice


rape them with your bbc

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pros and cons of women in the army
cons: the soldiere can rape them
pros: the soldiers can rape them

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Slice those pedocucks with a mechete

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was surely never

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>using Chrome Music Lab

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I think I might be trans. I have some worries. I really don't think I'm a woman. But I've been browsing this forum for a bit and some of it has gotten to me.

I study at a pretty elite law school that starts with an H. I thought I was going to move pretty straight forward through the system. Marry a hot wife. work for the government under some alphabet agency. maybe run for president or something idk.

But this is all collapsing now because I might be trans. not that trans people cant do things but I just know that I'll be cooked. I know this is going to limit me.

I don't know. lol. I've been watching clips of buttigieg and he has this line where he says he wishes he could use a knife and cut the gay out of him. I feel the same way right now.

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>ivermetcin posting


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>knife to cut gay




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>I think I might be trans. I have some worries. I really don't think I'm a woman. But I've been browsing this forum for a bit and some of it has gotten to me.

>I study at a pretty elite law school that starts with an H. I thought I was going to move pretty straight forward through the system. Marry a hot wife. work for the government under some alphabet agency. maybe run for president or something idk.
>But this is all collapsing now because I might be trans. not that trans people cant do things but I just know that I'll be cooked. I know this is going to limit me.
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why would you do that it wasn't nice


do what

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