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I've had quite a few black bullies growing up. I've always thought ir porn was so hot. Because I'm so small I never get to see the satisfaction a women gets from good sex first hand. I got my wife into my cuckold fetish and after she tried it she was more into bbc than I was. I tried to control the situation by insisting that he wear a condom but he was not going to listen. When we found out she was pregnant my heart dropped into my stomach. I wanted to cry. I hadn't had sex with her in months so I knew it wasn't mine. Also our friends and family had heard the rumors that we were bringing black guys home to fuck my wife. We denied all of these but showing up with a black baby would be a different story. At that point I thought I am so fucked. My life is over. Then I pictured the bull laughing about my predicament. (Turns out he was and did it on purpose) The pregnancy was a mix of emotions as well. My wife was really getting huge and I wondered if she would have gotten that big with my child. Her tits started producing milk right away. My family threw us a gender reveal and people came up to congratulate me or give me a high 5 I felt a little humiliation. Sleeping next to my heavily pregnant wife while I knew it was his black child was really hot too. Then we came to the delivery. Up until then I was hoping the baby would come out with somewhat lighter skin so it wasn't so obvious. No luck, from the time I could see his hair I knew I would never be able to pass this child off as mine. He ended up being almost 11lbs. The nurses were shocked and it was very awkward. I did see a few snickers. I've been defeated by his black seed and everyone knows it. It's domesticated me and I get no pussy what so ever. If this happens to every white boy then we'll all be living in the BNWO.








trueflagger o algo


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kys tranny frognigger


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the grooming never ends on this hellhole of a website

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