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A banner for soyjak.party

/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking

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File: 51884 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (51.38 KB, 1059x999) ImgOps


can't even call someone a retard in a direct fashion
has to resort to posting an image of something negative and quoting the original poster's post in a pathetic attempt to wordlessly imply "you = le stupuid gay xd"
You're on an anonymous imageboard, in which you are the furthest thing from being face-to-face, and yet you still don't have the balls to say "you're a fag". You are literally so pussyraisin that you have to pray to god that your Wojak macro gets your pathetically simple message across. I cannot wait to see my message mockingly repeated back at me with yet another of your faggoty basedjaks. You're a paradox. You have the absolute audacity to call someone a testicle-less girlyman through an image macro, despite having a negative value where your balls should be, because you can't bring yourself to call someone names to their face. Let me show you how it's done. Maybe you'll somehow grow a pair in the process of reading this.
You're a faggot. Every single aspect about you is faggy, and I'll be impressed if you can manage to copy-paste my post, greentext it, and solve the captcha, all with your hands full with a pair of dicks.
Fuck you.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


emant to supersage




go down faggot


File: 79246 - SoyBooru.png πŸ“₯︎ (131.74 KB, 888x849) ImgOps

>kill yourself retarded nigger
>emant to supersage
>go down faggot


i do look like this

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ama i might have caused the grain
i suggested an idea of watermarking soyjaks to identify or discourage offsiters, and the noise might have been the outcome of that


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>soyim are only on 1 hidden bit shown
im already on 7. get with the times

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>can't even call someone a retard in a direct fashion
>has to resort to posting an image of something negative and quoting the original poster's post in a pathetic attempt to wordlessly imply "you = le stupuid gay xd"
>You're on an anonymous imageboard, in which you are the furthest thing from being face-to-face, and yet you still don't have the balls to say "you're a fag". You are literally so pussyraisin that you have to pray to god that your Wojak macro gets your pathetically simple message across. I cannot wait to see my message mockingly repeated back at me with yet another of your faggoty basedjaks. You're a paradox. You have the absolute audacity to call someone a testicle-less girlyman through an image macro, despite having a negative value where your balls should be, because you can't bring yourself to call someone names to their face. Let me show you how it's done. Maybe you'll somehow grow a pair in the process of reading this.
>You're a faggot. Every single aspect about you is faggy, and I'll be impressed if you can manage to copy-paste my post, greentext it, and solve the captcha, all with your hands full with a pair of dicks.
>Fuck you.

File: 05d-454548429.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.05 MB, 2000x2000) ImgOps


What's the worst nightmare you ever have?
17 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


fairly similar thoughbeit, just no face


Jartycucks aren't harmless creatures


Did you touch the creature in your dreams?


Being raped by my father


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<deal with it nusoΓ½im




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first post with my nu-variant. love the edit you made this is already looking really gemmy. I made a gif of xir based of the gapejak heart one


Cobson killer

File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.01 MB, 888x849) ImgOps


>today i will ruin every image posted by the nusoicacas because i feel devious



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i just got recommended this wasnt this a 2018 meme


I wonder if he used the sharty before

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never forget frogs are soy-owned






i cant stop seeing the grain everywhere now that i know about it

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hey guys, i've been working on tracing this 'jak for a few weeks straight now and I've decided to upload it here for you guys to enjoy. Its based off of anthony fantano and the brush size is 3px
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.









Bumo o algo

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>>can't even call someone a retard in a direct fashion
>>has to resort to posting an image of something negative and quoting the original poster's post in a pathetic attempt to wordlessly imply "you = le stupuid gay xd"
>You're on an anonymous imageboard, in which you are the furthest thing from being face-to-face, and yet you still don't have the balls to say "you're a fag". You are literally so pussyraisin that you have to pray to god that your Wojak macro gets your pathetically simple message across. I cannot wait to see my message mockingly repeated back at me with yet another of your faggoty basedjaks. You're a paradox. You have the absolute audacity to call someone a testicle-less girlyman through an image macro, despite having a negative value where your balls should be, because you can't bring yourself to call someone names to their face. Let me show you how it's done. Maybe you'll somehow grow a pair in the process of reading this.
>You're a faggot. Every single aspect about you is faggy, and I'll be impressed if you can manage to copy-paste my post, greentext it, and solve the captcha, all with your hands full with a pair of dicks.
>Fuck you.

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>(Oh, oh, oh, oohhhh)

<I am the Candyman.
>(Oh, oh, oh, oohhhh)
<Comin' from Bountyland.
>(Oh, oh, oh, oohhhh)
<I am the Candyman.
>(Oh, oh, oh, oohhhh)
<Comin' from Bountyland!
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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.





File: Babyjak.png πŸ“₯︎ (35.23 KB, 186x250) ImgOps

File: 500px-Deformed_Soyjak.png πŸ“₯︎ (60.87 KB, 500x667) ImgOps

>work all night on a drink of rum
<daylight come and me wan go home
>stack banana till the morning come
<daylight come and me wan go home
^come mr tallyman tally me banana
<daylight come and me wan go home
^come mr tallyman tally me banana
<daylight come and me wan go home
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




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Jak him.

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>root media


File: geg pepe blow.gif πŸ“₯︎ (5.69 MB, 498x498) ImgOps



geeeg ROOT would actually do this

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i need heroin so fucking bad it's not even funny holy raisin i fucking need heroin right now fuck
24 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wanna try smoking on special certain occasions, outside of the house at a park somewhere or something because my parents would have my head if they were to find out


use candy cigarettes


it feels badass when listening to music you should totally do it and then move up to heroin


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try fent


Just act confident and someone will sell you without carding unless you're a baby faced manlet

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listening to taswell makes me want to play minecraft again but then i fucking remember how bad it is now because they ruined it and completely removed all of c418's music


trvke but i felt some feeling of anger when i saw c418 was a huge tranny supporter


1.12 with village builder/tech mods is insanely keyed though


>completely removed all of c418's music
Snopes fact check this


marge are you r8ckwell

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the state of this site (attachment is zoophile furry fart pornography material)


saw that and got hard


At least post a link so I have something to goon to later


Janny removed it. Rulecucked hellhole 1984 by jorjorwel.


Janny saves the day from faggots.

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"Poland" to "Soy sauce"
Time: 47.552 Seconds

Number of links visited: 3

The path you took:
[ "Poland", "Assumption of Mary", "Philippines", "Soy sauce" ]

Share Run Summary
Share Path




nuke poopland


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itt we post noisy 'jaks to celebrate the new filter

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botswana is aryan since they possess the second largest diamond



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