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i need heroin so fucking bad it's not even funny holy raisin i fucking need heroin right now fuck


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have you ever sucked a man's dick before?


become addicted to bbc instead


have you ever used heroin before


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no i just think it would be fun


use heroin if youre gay


I'm coming to kill you


Not worth it. It's not one of those drugs you'll "only do once to see how it feels"


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yeah i know i was just lying to see what other people would say i would never do drugs


I know people who've been taking methadone for years, all because of heroin. Dont touch that crap, ever


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methadone sounds tasty ngl but ok


heroin sucks but if u are addicted to kratom instead


soyaks nose looks so weird in this


people have been taking heroin safely for decades. no big deal pussy


methadone is useless just do kratom if u want to get off it


theres no point in taking it anymore considering ur gonna be taking 10% heroin and 90% fentanyl and whatever the nigger dealer decided to put in including expired drugs and whatever is left after processing chems


fentanyl literally isn't real


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how do i buy cigarettes when im only a year under the age for it


get zyns instead cigarettes are useless


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get candy cigarettes


zyns are for yuppies and faggots


I stole a pack of cigarettes when I was younger and smoked it, it was on some parking barrier


at least u get some kick out of them instead of inhaling cancer and just getting sick


i was doing opiods at 17


I wanna try smoking on special certain occasions, outside of the house at a park somewhere or something because my parents would have my head if they were to find out


use candy cigarettes


it feels badass when listening to music you should totally do it and then move up to heroin


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try fent


Just act confident and someone will sell you without carding unless you're a baby faced manlet

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