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/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking
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File: 51884 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (51.38 KB, 1059x999) ImgOps


can't even call someone a retard in a direct fashion
has to resort to posting an image of something negative and quoting the original poster's post in a pathetic attempt to wordlessly imply "you = le stupuid gay xd"
You're on an anonymous imageboard, in which you are the furthest thing from being face-to-face, and yet you still don't have the balls to say "you're a fag". You are literally so pussyraisin that you have to pray to god that your Wojak macro gets your pathetically simple message across. I cannot wait to see my message mockingly repeated back at me with yet another of your faggoty basedjaks. You're a paradox. You have the absolute audacity to call someone a testicle-less girlyman through an image macro, despite having a negative value where your balls should be, because you can't bring yourself to call someone names to their face. Let me show you how it's done. Maybe you'll somehow grow a pair in the process of reading this.
You're a faggot. Every single aspect about you is faggy, and I'll be impressed if you can manage to copy-paste my post, greentext it, and solve the captcha, all with your hands full with a pair of dicks.
Fuck you.


kill yourself retarded nigger


emant to supersage




go down faggot


File: 79246 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (131.74 KB, 888x849) ImgOps

>kill yourself retarded nigger
>emant to supersage
>go down faggot


i do look like this

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