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I need a search engine that find people outside of muttland, can anyone help?
>Moved to /dnb/


Finds* sorry for ESL


I got blocked on /raid/ for samefaging ev&oe I only bumo'd my thread once

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Wanting basic human right as straight cis white/asian men is an bigoted far right incel nazi fascist extremism.

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 β„–9009819[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4]

>gore is allowed but only if you spoiler
Then you should of clarified that you dumb fucking faggot coon
347 posts and 154 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


never thought I be accused of being you >>9011245
next time, either of you should enable IDs


duelling happens naturally so you can't really enable IDs, unless the admins make a soyduel board


>a soyduel board
that would be dead in days.


gem thread


erm.. what the frick happened here.

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I got backstage tickets to a weird al concert one time. It was really normal for the most part, he played albeqerque which is one of my favorite songs by him near the end of the show and when he came back stage we had really good conversation and became almost best friends in only a few minutes. Eventually we were sitting on this couch and we were making jokes and laughing but then he just poked my penis with his toe while we I was laughing kinda hard. It wasn't really in a sexual way but like how a friend would do it. It was really weird since, even though we were good friends already, we still only met minutes ago. I don't think he is gay but it was really off putting and he refused to move on from it until I acknowledged it and I left not really that long after. I know this sounds like a raisinpost but I swear its not
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


tell us more about this please


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I got backstage tickets to a weird al concert one time. It was really normal for the most part, he played albeqerque which is one of my favorite songs by him near the end of the show and when he came back stage we had really good conversation and became almost best friends in only a few minutes. Eventually we were sitting on this couch and we were making jokes and laughing but then he just poked my penis with his toe while we I was laughing kinda hard. It wasn't really in a sexual way but like how a friend would do it. It was really weird since, even though we were good friends already, we still only met minutes ago. I don't think he is gay but it was really off putting and he refused to move on from it until I acknowledged it and I left not really that long after. I know this sounds like a raisinpost but I swear its not





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reminder that all soytanlovers are swarthy pedophile niggers
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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YWNBAN (You Will Never Be A Nulee)


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YWNBAW (You Will Never Be a Woman)


>reminder that all soytanlovers are-MMMMMMMPPPPPPFFFFFF!!!~~

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I'm not gonna lie, this Troonjak is actually looking cool

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lil chuddy

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blox gem

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is the battle/colonization for /b/ raid still going to happen? its got its own wiki page: https://wiki.soyjak.st/The_Battle_for_/b/

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How do you feel about the NSFW so far? I wish there was more diaper porn
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I don’t like it


Did presidential candidate Donald Trump (Republican Party) really say this?


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isn the sharty full of heckin kiderinos or something + if i wanted porn i can google "boobs" into google images get rid of nsfw its gay this is just an excuse for the jannies to do less work




i got banned for posting soytan's feet
this never happened before this bullraisin started
it's a trap

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Jak xher


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when does the new variant come out

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Oh dear, looks like Soytan has been on /pol/ for too long! Now she… or rather HE… has been turned into a mass shooter. Literally!~
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.






Soydrey Hale


Why is genderbending so hot?


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It's already been happening with the fags who use Cobson/Pepe/Neutralplier to blogpost, now we just needed actual porn on /soy/ to truly become 4cuck for zoomers.
I still have hope THOUGH, it will get gemmier sometime soon.


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nobody cares faggot this change is good


So true sis we absolutely NEED more janny interference.
Rulecucking is the gem that will finally save the sharty.


even doe this site came from 4GOD


don't forget about the nigger fetish tranny pedophiles


Moved to >>>/q/186154.

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I got backstage tickets to a weird al concert one time. It was really normal for the most part, he played albeqerque which is one of my favorite songs by him near the end of the show and when he came back stage we had really good conversation and became almost best friends in only a few minutes. Eventually we were sitting on this couch and we were making jokes and laughing but then he just poked my penis with his toe while we I was laughing kinda hard. It wasn't really in a sexual way but like how a friend would do it. It was really weird since, even though we were good friends already, we still only met minutes ago. I don't think he is gay but it was really off putting and he refused to move on from it until I acknowledged it and I left not really that long after. I know this sounds like a raisinpost but I swear its not

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