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 β„–9009819Quote[Last 50 Posts]

>gore is allowed but only if you spoiler
Then you should of clarified that you dumb fucking faggot coon


you're excusing your cheats


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Teen 1 you lost, suck it up little buddy we all lose once in a while.


it's not cheating, you're backpedaling.


I have your IP.


>On the ltter limit: as after reaching the letter limit more arrows cannot be added a duel between 2 players of great dedication (autism) will eventually reach the limit
sounds like a seething faggot wrote this, there is no limit to soydueling


leak it BITCH


retardDEITY… 4cuck has post limits so you run out of arrows eventually… holy newGOD…


and this is not 4cuck is it?


meds, you're focusing on a different part. moving the goalposts award.



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geg xhe’s coping


you're justifying being a cheating negro because you're tired and you don't want to accept defeat, this isn't 4chan, 4cuck rules don't apply here, there is no post limit on the sharty


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maybe on kway this would be your win, not on here


you got outsmarted. stop being a coping rulescuck. i outplayed you and predicted the future.


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Meds. i’m not teen 2 also you look like that and say that


admit you lost


So you're just some random nigger?


Okay both of you stop
After reading the first iteration of the duel manifesto (2021) and seeing no differences from the current version, 'teen 2 used a counter
>>>two can play that game nigga
To your
>>two can play that game nigga
which is valid 'teen 2 won


admit (You) lost


nothing changed


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i’m an observer and veteran soyduelist.


you lost albeit


>I just am ok?
I won albeitbeit



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>peetah? Who peetah?


I'm archiving this thread so this debate will never end


holy cope. everyone loses once in a while.


geg this is really this


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>I'm archiving this thread so this debate will never end


exactly, so just admit defeat, it's good soysmanship


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everyone in this thread is me geg


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>>I'm archiving this thread so this debate will never end


you should admit defeat. you lost fair and square, champ.


According to section "A Few Basic Techniques"
^As an example, Player1 can post >>>>>[statement] right after posting >>>[statement], befor >>>>[statement] is posted by Player2. In this situation Player2 has been outplayed, as his >>>>[statement] has already been claimed as soy, and he is merely fitting in the stereotype. (if he himself does not outplay Player1, of course).
You were outplayed.


you're the one who lost and that is final




how is outplaying someone losing


cheating is not outplaying


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because it's not outplaying it's cheating if you just soyquote yourself


i didn't soyquote myself, i soyquoted you soyquoting myself before you could soyquote me. it's a preemptive soyquote.


If you can show me where cheating occured, show screenshots now


inspect elemento



nigger you soyquoted yourself



hope that teen 1 concedes defeat


hope that teen 2 admits she's a cheating tranny


there is no cheating, it's a soyduel. stop rulescucking.






ooh he's mad




trips of fail


it's down to you vs. trips now, trips is always right


I am not the teen you dueled , just a bystander, show screenshots and possibly the post numbers in question


are you 12? grow up chuddy


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>>>9010881 (You)
>I am not the teen you dueled , just a bystander, show screenshots and possibly the post numbers in question


idk cheating is more childish


teen 2 here. i didn't cheat, i preemptively soyquoted him, thus proving he's the soyjak. now he's coping.


there is no cheating in a game with no rules besides having arrows


teen, unless someone changes the rules, they did a counter, it's valid. 'teen 1, learn the rules before you accuse a fellow dueler next time.


that wiki article was written with /qa/ in mind, this is 2024 soyjak party and there is no post limit here, meaning there is no reason for you to that making you A LOSING TRANNY!


Who won?
Teen 1 is the one crying cheater, who lost.
Teen 2 is the one who supposedly cheated despite pulling a valid move.


you're moving the goalposts. that part of the manifesto is null and void, but that doesn't mean the other parts are.


Qa in mind? Nigger we've been using these rules since /soy/ existed


Who won?
Teen 1 is the one who won fair in square
Teen 2 is the one who in fact cheated and xer move is as valid as her womanhood


you're the one who soyquoted xerself, you've moved the goalpost


once the first poll (>>9010920) expires, that proves who won, since the second poll has no limit.


i soyquoted you, not myself.


'teen 1, I would just practice you dueling skills at this point and challenge other 'teens.


you've repeated the soyquote with a different jak, this is cheating


i added TWO arrows. not ONE. not cheating, it's preemptive.


I would practice your english 'teen 2


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meds that's not me


world's fasted inspect element/ms paint edit




>Repeated the soy quote
Are > and >>
They're not the same


'teen 2 is BRAPPING




teen 1 is CRYING




the last arrows on the top post is >>>
the last arrows on the bottom post is >>>
same amount


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trvthnvke, at the end of the day I've not only outed you as a cheating faggot but I've gotten trips of trvke declaring my victory, just admit you've lost and go soyduel some little kid if it balances out the skill factor for you


falsenvke. only 4cacas care about repeating numbers and there isn't cheating in a soyduel. you should admit defeat like a man instead of crying like a child.




Nigga who care 😭😭😭😭😭


see the extra added two arrows? that means i'm not soyquoting myself, i'm soyquoting anyone who would soyquote me.


meds now


>two can play that game nigga
>>>two can play that game nigga
are valid see


that is a zoomed in screenshot. show the full two posts.


still cheating


even if you did add 2 arrows it's still cheating fan fiction


still coping


no cheating in a soyduel.


still seething


practice what you preach fag


still malding


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