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Are bikes soy or aryan?


they are euromuttish


bikes be built fo bbc mane, the only time a niggaz on a bike is wen he be stealin dat shiet


aryan, but soy people have culturally appropriated it


Aryan. They're powered by your will, not some niggerlicious flammable liquid from the depths of niggerhell


you mean VRIL


Crude oil is literal demonic niggerjuice


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They're in the middle of of it imo


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>>>9013682 (OP)
>bikes be built fo bbc mane, the only time a niggaz on a bike is wen he be stealin dat shiet


Aryan. Being savage barbarians, niggers' bodies are optimized for explosive strength which makes them poor cyclists.


bikes are aryan but feel like soy


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>I gotta ask the shardee if a thing is aryan or niggerish before using it

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