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>You just defined a definition of consumer from a legal point of view, but that definition isn't the universal definition. You're only using this definition because it's the only way you're not completely wrong in your argument, but a consumer generally means anyone who uses the product.
>You were wrong, end of discussion. I'm muting this thread so I get the last word, because my word was correct, and yours was wrong, consider yourself educated, you're welcome.


File: giga1.png 📥︎ (335.28 KB, 978x1200) ImgOps

>im right and you are wrong just because it is


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>>im right and you are wrong just because it is


why did you have to make a whole thread


File: 1729354606336a.png 📥︎ (127.06 KB, 411x313) ImgOps

>>>im right and you are wrong just because it is


i shot you therefore i won
consider yourself defeated

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