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/soy/ - Soyjaks

Typically 'jakking
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>“Racism” against white people isn’t worth talking about because it has no power. It’s just de-railing actual discussions about racism and the people (of color) it actually affects.


Strangle baby niglets with an ethernet cable


btw foodistzen and discord won


I am neither of those things




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Objective trvke that no soyteen possesses the intellectual fortitude to contend with


hate niggers


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>btw foodistzen and discord won


Avg /pol/ teen


Racism isnt against one race, racism is a allmost universal feeling withing everyone (execpt williams syndrome) everybody is racist against the other group. If there were no colors we would be xenophobic against other religions, cultures, and country/nations. I lived from 2015 to 2023 in a first nation reserve i was a called nigger and a white bitch. "Buttt le colonisation power structure blablabla" i was the ONLY white guy who wasnt an adult in the community of 5000 and guess they dont just hate white people they hate everyone from niggers to the chinks and the jews did they ever see a jew? No but they still spray paint hitler did nothing wrong. Another example now this one is different but my friend who is black (i belive that not all blacks are niggers but most are) was a victim of racism from other black people because he wasnt black egnough and his father was an arab.


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>>>9014180 (You)
>Avg /pol/ teen


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>Racism isnt against one race, racism is a allmost universal feeling withing everyone (execpt williams syndrome) everybody is racist against the other group. If there were no colors we would be xenophobic against other religions, cultures, and country/nations. I lived from 2015 to 2023 in a first nation reserve i was a called nigger and a white bitch. "Buttt le colonisation power structure blablabla" i was the ONLY white guy who wasnt an adult in the community of 5000 and guess they dont just hate white people they hate everyone from niggers to the chinks and the jews did they ever see a jew? No but they still spray paint hitler did nothing wrong. Another example now this one is different but my friend who is black (i belive that not all blacks are niggers but most are) was a victim of racism from other black people because he wasnt black egnough and his father was an arab.


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/pol/ Is chuddy /qa/


Why sage its philosophy trvke?


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/pol/ is like /qa/ but raisinty and full of gay baiting niggers. At least /qa/ has some gebvlls


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>>Racism isnt against one race, racism is a allmost universal feeling withing everyone (execpt williams syndrome) everybody is racist against the other group. If there were no colors we would be xenophobic against other religions, cultures, and country/nations. I lived from 2015 to 2023 in a first nation reserve i was a called nigger and a white bitch. "Buttt le colonisation power structure blablabla" i was the ONLY white guy who wasnt an adult in the community of 5000 and guess they dont just hate white people they hate everyone from niggers to the chinks and the jews did they ever see a jew? No but they still spray paint hitler did nothing wrong. Another example now this one is different but my friend who is black (i belive that not all blacks are niggers but most are) was a victim of racism from other black people because he wasnt black egnough and his father was an arab.

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