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A banner for soyjak.party

/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.

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If it raisinposts like 4chan, if it looks like 4chan, then it probably is 4chan.


I like this wholesomesuba

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tomorrow is gonna be the first year anniversary of the israel-hamas war, who are you gonna support?


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I don't care


I hate both but i'm more happy at jews being killed



I wish good luck to both sides


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>I wish good luck to both sides

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Haaland website
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Haaland Aryanimee on the 'log


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he's a white negro


Fuck city


He deserves state funded free plastic surgery. That face should be covered with disability benefits

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Dead board?


People post here everyday, dumb polenigger


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I think we can all agree that this is one of the sickest and most disgusting memes to ever grace the internet (or just 4chan).


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>I think we can all agree that this is one of the sickest and most disgusting memes to ever grace the internet (or just 4chan).


trvthnuke i always felt horrible with this meme

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 /lc/hermanxs metanse aqui
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me transheart-o murdero americanos y commito tefto




no hay flecha por lo tanto tu dices esto y te ves asi


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Hilo muerto, mejor hagamos otro y que este más activo


No me digas que es el twink uwugayo de krautchan.rip…

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As a child I had a classmate who was really a jerk, he touched my things, grabbed my food without permission, and one time he started stealing my pencils in front of me in the middle of class, I got upset, I wanted to cry, and every time I remember that I start throwing a tantrum and wish I could punch that son of a bitch in the face for what he put me through.


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>As a child I had a classmate who was really a jerk, he touched my things, grabbed my food without permission, and one time he started stealing my pencils in front of me in the middle of class, I got upset, I wanted to cry, and every time I remember that I start throwing a tantrum and wish I could punch that son of a bitch in the face for what he put me through.


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>As a child I had a classmate who was really a jerk, he touched my things, grabbed my food without permission, and one time he started stealing my pencils in front of me in the middle of class, I got upset, I wanted to cry, and every time I remember that I start throwing a tantrum and wish I could punch that son of a bitch in the face for what he put me through.


Thats your traumatic backstory? Someone stole a pencil from you?


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Sametrans btw

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>Snakes caused the extirpation of most of the native forest vertebrate species; thousands of power outages affecting private, commercial, and military activities; widespread loss of people's pets; and considerable emotional trauma to residents and visitors alike when snakes invaded human habitats.
Gaum residents, how you cope that this rapefugee living rent-free in your home?

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Why don't turks assimilate even after 4 generations in germany?


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>not assimilating after 4 generations


Because Germans are cattle and should be exterminated


Because they are the new indoaryan cQlQnizers or something like that

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ไอ้เหี้ยfroot ทำเว็บตาย คนไทยหายหมดแล้ว


johnny grammar word

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