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As a child I had a classmate who was really a jerk, he touched my things, grabbed my food without permission, and one time he started stealing my pencils in front of me in the middle of class, I got upset, I wanted to cry, and every time I remember that I start throwing a tantrum and wish I could punch that son of a bitch in the face for what he put me through.


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>As a child I had a classmate who was really a jerk, he touched my things, grabbed my food without permission, and one time he started stealing my pencils in front of me in the middle of class, I got upset, I wanted to cry, and every time I remember that I start throwing a tantrum and wish I could punch that son of a bitch in the face for what he put me through.


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>As a child I had a classmate who was really a jerk, he touched my things, grabbed my food without permission, and one time he started stealing my pencils in front of me in the middle of class, I got upset, I wanted to cry, and every time I remember that I start throwing a tantrum and wish I could punch that son of a bitch in the face for what he put me through.


Thats your traumatic backstory? Someone stole a pencil from you?


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Sametrans btw

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