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Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.

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@Everyone @Moroccan do you have that video of black warriors running on treadmills and doing other physical activities?


Nuke Morocco



Thank you kind stranger, you deserve reddit gold award





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Do you have iguanas in your cunt?
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I had an iguana crawling on the door when I was on vacation once.


Too bad iguanas are an invasive species in gringolandia


Subtropical climates are bad for lizards, which causes them to fall from trees


no,something even better


Are iguanas hecking wholesome or more like 🗿🗿🗿?

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russian "history":
>raped by swedes
>raped by mongols
>raped by uzbeks
>raped by poles
>raped by lithuanians
>raped by anglos
>raped by turks
>raped by japs
>raped by finns
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There's even a city in the middle of Ceará state called Russas


>raped by swedes
kievan rus was founded by swedish viking
>raped by poles
russians are basically ethnic children of poles
>raped by germans
20 mil+ dead russians in 1940s
idk about the other ones tho


>>raped by swedes
>kievan rus was founded by swedish viking
that's actually makes us have aryan heritage
it would be rape if Rurik conquered us
>>raped by poles
>russians are basically ethnic children of poles
russians and poles are both slavs, but we were not derived from poles, nor were they
>>raped by germans
>20 mil+ dead russians in 1940s
eventhough we won twice and then recovered from our losses and created GDR
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russian women, need to be made to serve ameriBVLLS, russian men killed or sissified to serve muttKINGS, taking MASSIVE 15ft AMERIARYAN COCK, 156324 times a day, becoming more and more mind broken by the day, vladimir putin will be BLACKED

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Why do you hate blacks so much?

I've had African roommates, they are just somewhat dumb.

Immigrants are a problem for sure but it's a problem that can't be solved by democracy, all this TND raisin just sounds gay if your not willing to band up and commit pogroms.


Hi portucacaGOD, talking about immigrants and stuff, well I think that low and poor quality immigration is a bad thing and should be avoided, on the other hand, high and good quality immigration is a good thing and beneficial, illegal immigrants are a problem too, even if they are not bad people or criminals (or something else undesirable like spies o algo), if they do not have the necessary documents to immigrate and enter a country they cannot enter and they should not be allowed to do so, those are the rules, they have to be legal and documented, only in emergency situations could they be welcomed or let in and all their backgrounds, they would have to be reviewed for them to enter, if they are professionals, if they have higher or basic studies, are good workers, are academics, scientists and if they are prodigious people with prestige, but generally these people usually have the economic situation to migrate legally. In the case of refugees (generally referring to any person who is a true refugee and has that status authentically, not only those rapefugees in western, northern and southern europe) need to have their background evaluated to avoid problems, if not they can't be allowed in and if they start fucking up even more then they have to be expelled and/or deported.
I say this as someone from a country with immigrant problems.


Thanks for your insightful reply PeruanoGOD you raise some valid points thoughbeit I think you should consider a more nuanced perspective of the modern world we inhabit. We live in what has been dubbed a "Global Village" where distinctions between countries are in an all time high of irrelevancy, 200 years ago a peaceful Europe would sound like a fairy tale, nowadays it's reality, the average person, particularly in the west, nowadays doesn't put much stock in the concept of a country. This to me means that nations can rapidly dissapear. Using my nation as an example the number of brazilians in my country is rapidly increasing, not only that the children in my country are begging to favor Brazilian Portuguese over our native dialect thanks to brazilian online entertainment, Portuguese as an identity is in decline. Governments susponsor these situations because it is far easier to import labor and having unregulated media than it is to deal with dismal birth rates and maintaining a societal health. These conditions will have dire, unprecedented consequences for the west, for example, lets say a Vatnik in Moscow gets drunk enough and decides to send a ballistic missile to some Polish village, Article 13 goes into effect, NATO and BRICKs are at war, some 30 years ago we would the vast majority of young men volunteer for the army, nowadays I believe the vast majority of adult and young adult males would simply flee their country either because they are immigrants who are there for economic reasons and feel no need to protect it or they are middle class/upper middle class manchildren who view an invasion of their country as something akin to a natural disaster. This is why I believe that this current situation is completely unsustainable. So what is the solution? Many believe it is to say the word nigger on Mongolian basket weaving forums and make hyperborea edits. I say that's useless and I can compartmentalize.


partial nigger death

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 â„–102265[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Say something nice about the country above you.
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Made a cool martial art.


Great beer


Beautiful trees and very blue water


Swedish vvin


i <3 mexican yellow filter

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3 days until the election. How will it affect us in EVROPA?
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Real talk- He will freeze the conflict in porkraine under some conditions like no ukraine in nato or eu and so on, making the raisin ziggers captured something like crimea where it's techically ukraine but under total zigger control, which is good since no more rapefugees are gonna flood out to plague eu (and noone wants them in eu anyways with their ultracorrupt african level economy)
If kamala wins, she is just gonna continue throwing trillions on it like biden, making it go on without either side advancing for 2 more years before doing the exact same thing trump will do (except she will get praised for it by libsharts).

Trumpy is also probably gonna threaten to leave nato unless eu countries stops jewing around and actually contribute 2% gdp to nato (another good change)

That's about it realistically, Trump please MEGA


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>no more rapefugees are gonna flood out to plague eu
yeah its not like there are gorillion sh1tskins from the middle east that run from the fuckery kikes are doing lately, and they DEFINITELY won't flood the nigger-streets of europe even more


well not my country, they all move to uk and france whose governments are beyond retarded
and by rapefugees i meant the lowest form of human who moves out from far out of the war torn areas to here to abuse social programs, drink 24/7 and steal my expensive mountain bike, my commieblock suburb is now about 60% ultra low income immigrants so you can understand my pov


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If he wins I get €500

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We should take over the furfag threads and just use them as /int/ since ((they)) allow flags
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Have faith goyim, maybe tranny jannies will be busy eating hot pockets


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you guys already had 5 failraids and even begged /soy/ for help


Marge when did this happen


Are you lysytsia for schlog?

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Argentina siempre traicionando a la hispanidad y aceptando ucranianas globohomo en beneplácito del orden anglomason por sobre la misión hispana de la Monarquía Universal de concretar el sueño de Isabel la Católica recreando en Virreinato del Río de la plata aceptando hermanos caribeños de la Patria grande hispana, por eso merecen un castigo de parte de un Nuevo Malón Gaucho-Tehuelche-Caribeyoruba Laocratista pardo-villero Nacional y popular Salbuchiano-Biondinista, peroncho-kirchnerista, patriagrandista Gustavobuenista cuartoteorico, que inspirado en los ideales del gran Luis d'elia de arrasar con la gringada porteño-europea enemiga de la hispanidad con los últimos vestigios del Batallón Infernal Bovesiano, elimine la civilización Europea del Río de la Plata y roben los countries de los cheto/sifrinos neomantuanos desclasados ajenos al ethos hispánico que den paso al nuevo modelo barrani-pranatista y los conviertan en Iglesias Populares Jesuitas para los Pobres donde se permita rezarle a los Santos Malandros, a Gauchito Gil, a Yemaya/Maria Lionza, a Maradona y al Padre Mugica
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second one is an eternal gem


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>Los Yamnaya eran brown bvlls indo-pardos


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>Los primeros agricultores europeos EEF eran blancucks betas (excepto los ancestros de los antiguos Griegos, esos eran mas marrones igualitos a los árabes) y los indo-europeos eran marrones malandros proto-caribeños


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Los GIGACHADS de Dagestan son los verdaderos BVLLS yamnayas conquistadores que se domaron al mundo entero a caballo, hicieron genocidios y violaron mujeres neoliticas. Dagestan esta donde surgio la cultura yamna y ahi quedaron los descendientes mas puros de ellos, por eso muchas tribus dagestanis tienen mas de 90% de ADN yamnaya papeandose hasta a los sissies noruegos. Por eso los dagestanis son tremendos gigachads que hasta el dia de hoy se papean a los vatniks siendo la region mas violenta de Rusia y donde mas ocurren ataques terroristas y actos de rebeldia contra el gobierno ruski (por eso el gobierno ruso no puede ejercer control sobre esa region, demostrando asi los dagestanis que son verdaderos yamnaya ya que son igual de violentos y salvajes que los yamnaya originales) y los bvlls dagestanis cuckean a los sissies eslavos violando a sus mujeres (los chads dagestanis son extremadamente misoginos y no respetan a la mujer y la tratan como un mero saco de semen). Los dagestanis tambien son alfas boxeadores que son campeones mundiales en diversas artes marciales, esto gracias a su alta testosterona y fisicos robustos musculosos. No solo eso sino que ademas los dagestanis siguen una religion guerrera y patriarcal ultraviolenta como lo es el Islam que pone en su lugar a la mujer y promueve el hacer la guerra santa mediante la yihad y destruir los idolos satanicos de los pueblos matriarcales soyitas neoliticos asi como lo hicieron los yamnaya, no como el cucktolicismo del disque "macho hispano" neolitico que larpea de yamnaya por ser R1b even doe el 90% de su ADN es neolitico, mientras que el dagestaniBVLL es haplogrupo J semitico-neolitico y ni se inmuta porque sabe que el haploautismo no tiene sentido y que hay nuggets en Chad como los Hausa que tienen altos niveles de R1b mientras el siendo mas de 90% yamnaya es J, por eso no anda con larpeos de haplogrupos haciendo el ridiculo en un chan muerto de internet hablando de cosas que ni el mismo entiende y en cambio sale a la calle a matar ruskis y violar eslavas en nombre de Allah quien es el Diaus Pitar de los arios yamnaya antiguos traido a los arabes por el ario Mahoma quienes luego lo volvieron a traer a los yamnachads de Dagestan, tampoco se inmuta al no ser clasificado como indoeuropeo por hablar una lengua turquica porque sabe que los armenios que hablan una lengua indoeuropea no tienen nada de ADPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>Los GIGACHADS de Dagestan son los verdaderos BVLLS yamnayas conquistadores que se domaron al mundo entero a caballo, hicieron genocidios y violaron mujeres neoliticas. Dagestan esta donde surgio la cultura yamna y ahi quedaron los descendientes mas puros de ellos, por eso muchas tribus dagestanis tienen mas de 90% de ADN yamnaya papeandose hasta a los sissies noruegos. Por eso los dagestanis son tremendos gigachads que hasta el dia de hoy se papean a los vatniks siendo la region mas violenta de Rusia y donde mas ocurren ataques terroristas y actos de rebeldia contra el gobierno ruski (por eso el gobierno ruso no puede ejercer control sobre esa region, demostrando asi los dagestanis que son verdaderos yamnaya ya que son igual de violentos y salvajes que los yamnaya originales) y los bvlls dagestanis cuckean a los sissies eslavos violando a sus mujeres (los chads dagestanis son extremadamente misoginos y no respetan a la mujer y la tratan como un mero saco de semen). Los dagestanis tambien son alfas boxeadores que son campeones mundiales en diversas artes marciales, esto gracias a su alta testosterona y fisicos robustos musculosos. No solo eso sino que ademas los dagestanis siguen una religion guerrera y patriarcal ultraviolenta como lo es el Islam que pone en su lugar a la mujer y promueve el hacer la guerra santa mediante la yihad y destruir los idolos satanicos de los pueblos matriarcales soyitas neoliticos asi como lo hicieron los yamnaya, no como el cucktolicismo del disque "macho hispano" neolitico que larpea de yamnaya por ser R1b even doe el 90% de su ADN es neolitico, mientras que el dagestaniBVLL es haplogrupo J semitico-neolitico y ni se inmuta porque sabe que el haploautismo no tiene sentido y que hay nuggets en Chad como los Hausa que tienen altos niveles de R1b mientras el siendo mas de 90% yamnaya es J, por eso no anda con larpeos de haplogrupos haciendo el ridiculo en un chan muerto de internet hablando de cosas que ni el mismo entiende y en cambio sale a la calle a matar ruskis y violar eslavas en nombre de Allah quien es el Diaus Pitar de los arios yamnaya antiguos traido a los arabes por el ario Mahoma quienes luego lo volvieron a traer a los yamnachads de Dagestan, tampoco se inmuta al no ser clasificado como indoeuropeo por hablar una lengua turquica porque sabe que los armenios que hablan una lengua indoeuropea no tienen nada de ADN de las estepas (no como el) y qPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Have you ever kissed someone in your country?


she wouldn't be resisting if the man was BLACK


Fuck off

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Is it possible to get a copy of Ride the Tiger in Polish?


>evola smile.jpg
Stupid chud. I recognized it just by his looks.

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