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/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.

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Smelled some mandarin today. Does this happen in your country?
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You can just easily get another one doe


Don't keep crying about the past
It VVILL get better


There's your fucking issue, you should have a polish wife you horsefucking fuck that wants to fuck a horsefaced chink instead of your own kind
Die, kike! Die, kike, you're a race-mixing filthy kike!
Begone kikeness out of this man, did your parents escape from aushwitz?
Nose pic now, nose pic now!


>p0lka która chcę p0lskiego chłopa który nie jest oskarkiem albo chadem
daj info jak jakÄ…Å› znajdziesz


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>Smelled some mandarin today. Does this happen in your country?

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gdańsk to jak polskie chicago


Tylko w gdaÅ„sku 💀💀💀



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Ziggers, you owe us an explanation.


Is this how you no longer get raped in russia?


nigger bias fallacy

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Wtf did I just read?(still, the book was gemmy)

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 â„–83403[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3]

Is it just me or has /pol/ taken over literally every single board that used to be good. You cant even discuss video games or anime without white supremacists harassing you and pushing you off the site.

Its taking a toll on traffic to the site. Delete /pol/ and save the sharty
242 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Mass sissification of /pol/tards NOW




>no thanks.
>i am an 18 year old edgy teenager, and i thought this place would be a great place to hang out and just make edgy jokes, thats when i realized that most people are take it way too far and the over obsession with white supremacy just isn't fucking funny.

>then i saw gore in some other thread and im considering leaving and never coming back. if you're genuinely racist you should kill yourself and you're just as bad as the pedophiles and trannies you claim to be above.

Nigga u a retarded ass cracka


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the us should do this


This is a real place though




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skibidi toilet is a based anti nigger Show 😂, remember how black people in ukraine were getting hated at the border back at the start of the war in 2022? based ukraine anti nigger country 😂
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A russian borned in georgia o algo


We kekaryans are white lol


Skibidi dop dop yes


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>morrocan ip

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White people should not kill white people. As simple as that.


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>White people should not kill white people. As simple as that.


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What about white trannies and faggots?


Just say they're black


this image is so fucking cool

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Nowy 'rzut


Tego w lewym dolnym rogu siÄ™ bojÄ™


co 'rzut miał na myśli


oni mówią jak jest lub nie wiem trzeba zaatakować Liberec lub cośtam


a gdzie gimper i jego gówno podcast?


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Racism is cool but racists with gay fetish are scary.


what the fuck is a "gay fetish"


Fetish but gay


homoeroticism is a fetish

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