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/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.

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They tried to create Polish cyrlic alphabet and it had to have 6 more characters than russian has with already has more characters than Polish.
Also you can write down any sound used in Russian in Polish but there are sounds innPolish you can't write in Russian.
Same for goes Czech.
Also cyrlic alphabet wasn't "designed for slavic languages" in the 9th century any more than Czech alphabet created at the same time.
Spelling in West Slavic langueges is extremly easy and understandable unlike in English.
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To nie jest zażółć gędźbią jaźń?


Raczej nie. С to s, a Л to ł (l jeśli jest miękka litera potem).


>g - г
>h - г̌
So it is like the g and ğ (an example is kara boğa) in turkish?


no właśnie ja to tak przeczytałem. Cyrlica zjebana i nie do polskiego.


Yes. Also H in Polish is used mainly in foreign words (including Ruthenian borrowings like bohater or druh as g changed into h in Belarussian, Ukrainian, also Czech and Slovak).

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This country is almost identical to my country's history except they're Germanic mountain dwellers.


Are french-swiss germanic too?

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>Сроcлаcь пизда и жопа!
>Этого нe можeт быть −
>Nромeжуток должeн быть!


File: transgirl.jpg 📥︎ (76.47 KB, 736x1012) ImgOps

>>Сроcлаcь пизда и жопа!
>>Этого нe можeт быть −
>>Nромeжуток должeн быть!


File: russian.jpeg 📥︎ (127.25 KB, 912x1024) ImgOps

>>Сроcлаcь пизда и жопа!
>>Этого нe можeт быть −
>>Nромeжуток должeн быть!

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Niggers think they are the pinnacle of beauty and masculinity yet they look like this. Is it really a coincidence that entire world thinks they are the bottom-tier of humanity?
12 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>>94894 (OP)
>Am*rican women find niggers attractive geg
I saw a video of a south European woman "I'm assuming you're Russian because of your flag, and considering your use of the word nigger, you
're most likely the Slavic south European kind.


>>>104169 (You)
>second nigger is honorary aryan
what is it with 4channers and soyjakkers calling black ppl niggers?


They do it all the time though. Aren't we equal?


biggie is aryan doe


Because black culture is intrinsically linked with 21st century masculinity in 14-25 year olds.

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this thai people

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Chongy wang wang, Soyjak party int!
Ching cho China dong shing shong chango. Chango wing wong mang chingas chongas. Chingy chong chong. Changy chang wing wang? Chin Chingus Cho.
-Xing Changus




>>>104202 (OP) (You)


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fat people are subhuman tbqh


i'm white


do you jerk off with your left hand


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>fat people are subhuman tbqh


>hes not fat
>even if he was he wouldnt be nearly as subhuman as you latinx rwxitter immigrant

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whats /int/'s (mainly russian userbase) opinion on jewnited pozzia (united russia)?
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Why I was even born in this hell of a country


There is no paradise anywhere on the Earth, you whiny faggot


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>There is no paradise anywhere on the Earth, you whiny faggot


Some old Putin-obsessed Serbian boomer somewhere probably wishes he was you, count your blessings nigga


it's over, Nоззи took over

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I will kill Xi Jinping and his family.
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This image slays me, cause they removed Denmark. Dumb chinks, still salty about us making fun of Kung Flu.


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>>>104173 (OP)
>This image slays me, cause they removed Denmark. Dumb chinks, still salty about us making fun of Kung Flu.
"heh, zoes zumb cheenks"


If you are not a nordcuck? (me more broadly and generally, a germanic) then what are you? A celtic or italian american or other non-germenic european murican?


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>I will kill Xi Jinping and his family.


>>>104178 (You)
>If you are not a nordcuck? (me more broadly and generally, a germanic) then what are you? A celtic or italian american or other non-germenic european murican?
I'm not white

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any native americans here? if so what tribe?
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File: NordCuck.png 📥︎ (2.53 KB, 159x266) ImgOps

>>>>>any native americans here? if so what tribe?
>>>"oy i'm bri'ish"
>"yuo iz uh derty azz amerimut niga sireson"
fixed it to turn it into a gem


File: NordCuck.png 📥︎ (2.53 KB, 159x266) ImgOps

>More like tribe of pedophilia kys nigger
"yuo iz a niger sireson"


Keystone state more like raisinskin state


I married one. Apparently it's better to get your cheeks clapped by a 4chin autist on the daily than live in a South American raisinhole lol



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