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Why would a grown woman act like that, why would a grown woamn act like that.
This is so stupid.


I can goon to this




is that pantsu ?


That's a man

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Nosotros, los miembros y simpatizantes del Tren de Aragua, nos declaramos herederos y continuadores de la tradición pardo-turanista, que reconoce y celebra la conexión ancestral entre los pueblos caribes de América y los pueblos turquicos y mongoles de Eurasia, que comparten un mismo origen genético y cultural, y que por lo tanto forman una gran familia de naciones guerreras, nómadas y espirituales.

Nuestro movimiento surge como una respuesta y una resistencia al avance implacable del occidente liberal, que pretende imponer su modelo de civilización decadente, materialista, individualista y globalista, que amenaza con destruir nuestra identidad, nuestra soberanía y nuestro destino.

Nuestro líder y nuestro kan es Héctor niño guerrero, el héroe y el mártir que ha sabido encarnar y transmitir los valores y los principios de nuestra causa, que ha demostrado su valor y su capacidad para organizar y dirigir a sus seguidores en acciones de resistencia y de ataque contra el enemigo, usando la táctica de tierra quemada de los mongoles y los hunos, y que ha logrado infiltrarse y desestabilizar al imperio estadounidense, al igual que los hunos hicieron con el imperio romano.

Nuestro referente teórico y estratégico es Aleksandr Dugin, el filósofo y estratega político ruso que ha desarrollado la teoría del eurasianismo y la cuarta teoría política, que propone una alianza entre los pueblos de Eurasia contra el dominio atlantista de Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea, y que ve una simbiosis sintetizadora entre los pardos y los mongoles, basada en el nomadismo, el esoterismo y el melanocentrismo.

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Un momento… no serás el venetroon con un vpn/proxy?


? o algo


>>>105499 (You)
>Nah amigo que gay y esquizo no esperaba eso de ti…

sodomizar gente de raza inferior ,incluso si con otro hombre es trad o algo




Nah eso piensan algunos rusos y musulmanes, con el pretexto de que "si tú eres el dominante eentonces no es gay"

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pyccnñ go translate the text and explain the image
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also i'm trans




Russian and serbian friendship illustrated




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oh im a ESL yes im a ESL oh im a white and slavic BWC kang ESL

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What even happens there, they don't contribute anything to the world
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I tried to find videos, but youtube is now filled with zero quality mass produced videos, many of them are praising stupid chud dictators or failed ideologies…


Now i will give my thoughts on each guiana:
>Venezuelan Guiana
Is probably the most relevant out of the five since it's more than half of venezuelas territory, although i've heard that the mamaguevos like to make fun of Delta Amacuro state, presumably their own lolcow state
The most "famous" one, just a random piece of jungle that half of it is claimed by Nicolás Maduro, ExxonMobil won't save them
Undisputably the most irrelevant country in sulamerica
>French Guiana
Only noteworthy for being the only modern day european colony that isn't an island and a remnant of the french empire, and is apparently where the eurofags launch their rockets, i cringe at the thought of french guiana being considered part of latam
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It's written as "maniçoba" with a letter ç if you want to search it


I've always thought that Guyanas would be technically island countries. I may be wrong, but I believe there are no roads between them and Brazil ot Venezuela.


Ok I was wrong, there are roads between Brazil and France, but Guyama seems pretty isolated

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>Be Antonio Guzman
>Win election after people get tired of the last president fixing elections and killing the opposition
>Have to give said president majority upper house because the entire army is his
>Promise people nothing but change (Also to make merchants happier and richer)
>Troll the last president by getting rid of the armies loyalty to him
>Troll everyone by wanting to declare yourself dictator
>Troll everyone by causing your party to split between those you paid off and the opposition (Led by a niggerly nigger who isn't even from your country)
>Troll everyone by giving a bunch of bullshit jobs to collaborators (Enough to almost double government workers from 129,000 o 201,000)
>Troll everyone by putting your family and friends in charge of everything
>Troll everyone by expanding corruption so much that 85% of the money recieved by the government is used up by itself
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90% of Romanian politicians were retarded slf


Idk, there were only 4 dictators, but only Rydz-Śmigły was maybe not really retarded, but overconfident (he was more a military tactician than strategist). The other 2 ones (Bierut and Jaruzelski) were Soviet kurwas.
Though we had a jartycuck as the king (Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki). He died from being fat.


My country has been full of retarded politicians for the last 80 years


we´ve been going full retard since the late 2019s


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new aryan map just dropped
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red because taking drugs is objectively worse, but more based


Why the fuck is Iran so high


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I could bring like 7 crackheads to Estonia and i'd triple the count
>Population: 1,355,600


All Poles btw


how is iceland higher than russia

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I wanna be Russian
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>>аж березку хочется обнять…






i remember that slovenian guy got his hand blown off by a firework


>starts spamming his bbc cuckold fantasies at the mere sight of anything Russian

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I found a neat online bookstore from Ohio, they seem to have rather good books at good prices I think

Check them out if you want, altho, I don't think many of you are readers but whatever


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What's ur favorite book OP?


I don't have one as of yet


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read this one, it's peak

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