Reposting from /raid/ Teens, I had a gemmy raid idea. If you know about DNSL, you might know of his Garry's Mod Gameshow. He is planning to host one today at 5-6 PM EST, When it goes up, Help gem up the Twitch stream or try to sneak into the gameshow yourself.
If you manage to get into the Garry's Mod server, you will have to impress him in a "tryout" process or he will kick you. If you manage to sneak into the actual gameshow after this, be extremely subtle but sneak in racial epithets, sound clips, and gems while other people are speaking, disrupt the gameshow, ETC. He is very politically correct and easy to make angry so if he hears any slurs he'll halt everything to try and kill whoever said it, which means there's high potential for a CIU. Be aware if you die inside the server, you won't be able to reconnect unless it gets re-hosted.
Any form of help is appreciated and this could be a massive gem if executed properly. Hundreds of viewers will be watching.==!! STREAM==:!! IP==: (type "connect" in developer console, or paste steam://connect/ in your browser)
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