Ill be moving soon to another country, and that means that my workload will get more intense, therefore I wont have time to be hands on with the site as much as I'd like.
I've created a sort of "soyumvirate" pt2 with 4 of my most trusted staff, they will remain anonymous to hopefully put an end to admin drama.
I know I said I was making a comeback, but due to the nature of my job I couldn't have known I was gonna be moved like this. I'm sorry my comeback was short lived, but I promise to stay as active as possible.
>Why did I decide to step down to just owner again? after todays wave of 'p spam, I realized I cant be the only one who has the power to fix stuff like that and I need a proper team across many timezones to deal with possible spam.
>ermmmmm who are these peoplediscord friends from the r/traaaaaaaans subreddit
<LEDDIT SPACEwe have been planning this for months already, since ROOT tried the nuadmin thing, thats why now we feel comfortable doing it, with the mediator system.
The switch will happen one day in july or august, no announcement or anything, since you shouldn't notice the change.
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