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 β„–41590QuoteLocked[Last 50 Posts]

Hello everyone, I am DOLL, the lead administrator of the party, booru, wiki, tf2 and minecraft server. This bread is meant to be a dialogue between the soyteens and the staff regarding issues with the site, upcoming projects, and general conversation between (You) and me. I will try to read and respond to everything in here, but be warned I work long hours and some questions are better left to santa claus (the owner of the site) or Ms. claus (the manager of the mod team), so I might miss a couple along the way.


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The name of it is literally based on a pedo novel. Soylita has always been to used to display some form of a pedoid joke




its based off the average thread creation per day or something


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some retard on r/transgamers is trying to get FNAC taken down with reports how can we prevent FNAC from getting taken down I'm scareddddddddd


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DOLLLLL can you ban everything i dont like please?


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Can you stop the jannies from moving everything to plier? The jannies removed a thread with 100+ replies that was a very calm and nice discussion with multiple people. It feels like I can't host any of my opinions anymore


it was this thread btw


low effort bait should be moved but when I try to start an honest discussion and it gets moved it's annoying as fuck


since you wont add /nofap/ can you at least put /health/ on the top bar again? 4cuck's /fit/ is unusable but it gets no traffic here cuz its hidden




soylita will always be nas brimstone


doll are there any plans if froot dies randomly or is MIA one day


yeah if that happens i will run out of funds again cuz im a stupid retard


nah its only really bad during mutt hours, its just unfunny cence the kuz era bbc spam


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Retarded Jannies thinking that posting 3 ai generated bald men with glasses is avatarfagging. Did his tiny pecker twitch too hard because I called xir an incel? I guess that’s why I got banned because I offended this incel.


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If anyone wants to use them to piss off trannitors here they are.


lmao I remember a while back I called for TZD in response to a zellig board being decommissioned after the 50 board plan and they actually deleted it
Sitewide TZD someday I hqpe


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Thk god they did that
It was a dead meme anyways XD


Rename /soy/ to /lgbt/


xhes not wrong


i actually haven’t seen doll say the word nigger in his life

did you watch american history x or something


I think he said nigger once on the first soystream


It's only 12 hours nigga get over it


do (You) want a 12 hour ban?
it's only 12 hours after all


Ban everybody for 12 hours


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No because I'm not a retard that starts pointless drama.


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Stop jannies from moving shit to other boards period. The site barely has enough activity as is. It's fucking retarded that any janny can move each and every honest discussion to a board that "might" fit the thread more than /soy/ whenever he wants to. /soy/ doesn't even have a set topic too. As long as it has a soyjak and isn't off site shit, nsfw, country wars or spam, it belongs on /soy/.

I'm talking about this thread mainly but I've been experiencing more and more movings by every day and you need to take action

god damn jannies will really take every opportunity to abuse their powers. I fucking hate it


This please fucking stop these janoids moving and deleting every shit like the most autistic niggers in existence


Are there people who obsessively only post in /q/ and/or complain about the jannies elsewhere? I'm getting a hunch that some of these guys are obsessed


I only complain about threads being moved


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Doll, can you see our IP's? i've samefagged a lot ITT and i just realized it'd be really awkward if you can.


there are rare uses where I see no reason why it should be banned because it's actually being used like a soyjak, but most of the time when it was unbanned it was just neutralplier but for trannies (literally only red)
I didn't support it being banned before but now I think it should be solely to spite red
rapeson/soylita combo was gemmy when it was used to mock pedos albeit


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what's for dinner tonight


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Nigga literally every joke including soylita includes pedophillia. When we are an imageboard with a history of being spammed with cp we absolutely don't need anything like that. Shitty low effort pedo jokes aren't even funny too. I honestly think that doll should ban you for posting this and the guy requesting for shitlita to be unbanned




>Nigga literally every joke including soylita includes pedophillia.
half the time she was used interchangeably with female gapejak and wasn't even meant to represent a child, for example, that one edit that used her to portray chris chan's mother who's like 400 years old. and my favorite rapeson image was the one where it was just her face edited onto a toilet because it was so heckin' absurd. edits like that are what I'm referring to, not the traced 'p brimstone or the self insert avatarfag tranny shit.


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>joke about rape
>one exception

>a still sexual joke

shut the fuck up pedoid.


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Reasons to ban Shitzellig
- They are fucking unfunny and make threads with no context whatsoever
- They necrobump they’re own threads to make it appear that there are many who support this "meme" (even if there are only 5 retards who do it xd)
- They don’t even care about soyjaks at all they called us soycΓΊcks many times, atleast frogs cared about this website 3 years ago unlike Zelligtrannies
- They’re β€œmeme” is forced,unfunny & its a shit meme from /co/, have nothing of value they’re β€œinside jokes & slangs” are margerald and don’t make any fucking sense whatsoever
- They are fucking gooners and they want to fuck these underage girls (lol pedophiles)
- The β€œZARYAN” larp is gay and cringe as fuck nobody in that cast is Aryan enough neither Coco cuz she is yellow (fucking Chinese) and she was born in Africa therefore she is a nigger
- zelligMONGOLOIDS are trannies that use shitcord + they gaslight new people into thinking that they shit show is Sharty culture
Never was
- They promoted this website to fucking 8chan so therefore AIDSzelligers are pedos lol
- They have alr have an AltChan they can go there


Trukerald Nukerald that scorched the earth




>apparently I'm a pedophile at age 15
doll said literally the exact same thing as I did, that she's NAS coal that belongs on /qa/ with the occasional gemmy edit (he even said the rapeson edits were a good example) like 8 months ago, but alright little buddy


I don't give a shit how old you are. Doll handles the small things, Froot still owns the site and won't let shitlita pedos come back. Soylita is objectively pedophilia related no matter what your viewpoint is. It doesn't belong anywhere and is disgusting


>admitting your age


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this is what you let through the filter when there's no age rule


TheDonald browser


doll did the holocaust actually happen


we need answers doll


Doll tell mods to stop banning people for posting brown troonjaks






There used to be an age rule last month but it got taken down shortly after for no good reason.


I think you need to give zelligtroons and pony troons thier own board like 4cuck does because they make qa unusable. It got an uptick in use a while ago until ponyniggers and zelligtroons took over the log and made it unusable


trvth bomb, this never happened on da 4cuck /qa/ because of only ten pages and frequent nuthreads being made, but sharty /qa/ has like 40 pages and they can necrobumo forever




do not do this, the solution is to reduce /qa/'s page limit to 10 so that keeping 80 threads on the log at once is too hard to manage


Bring back every emojis to /soy/ we're limited to few emojis allowed


I think froot half-read my letter because he only responded to like, one thing and then didnt address the rest of it geg


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>20 pages sounds good as a first experiment.
shouldn't a first experiment be more extreme, not less? because if you see no results from downing it to 20, then you'll either leave it there or bump it back up to 40, if you're gonna experiment you should do 5-10 pages, and if that's good then later try a higher amount. /qa/'s pph is so low that even 10 pages will facilitate samefagging to be honest (though 5 pages would make catty wiping too easy)


ALSO i know you've been asked this by a ton of people but can you ban frogs from /soy/? they're used by discord niggers and jarty niggers to be annoying
I know you don't like 'banning' things but you have to admit the frogspam is getting annoying (shit like 'nus0icaca' and 'clitty')


You'll learn to ignore them


>ah man, this house is full of garbage!
<meh, you'll learn to ignore it
>how about we move it? or throw it out?
<nah, just walk past it man its fine
>dude, it fucking stinks
<just ignore it brrooooo jeez


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>I'll talk to them about it
>I'll see what the mods can do

Nigga I don't want you to talk to them I want it done. You should be in charge of root


Just kill /qa/, that's what you seek anyways. At least have the balls to say it loud and clear


froot probably has a leesh on doll to keep him from fucking with janny shit or explicitly with root
probably a good thing considering what happened when doll was admin


meant owner but you know what i mean


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They banned you for quoting someone with nas they didn't like. This shit is retarded. Doll needs to make his jannies stop banning stuff unless it explicitly breaks a rule, and stop the 4cuck janny tier bending of the rules to justifty thier bullshit bans. Its a really bad look for a site that doesn't want to be 4cuck


we need a containment board for the coalers though


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>mod abuse is okay as long as its only 12 hours bro


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Doll why is it okay to post fnf pedo gems at some times but at other times jannies delete it or ban it


Doll just wants them to not come here doe, he knows he can ban NAS sitewide, and that's his intention. My guess is that he's being sneaky about it


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Then he’s a complete moron, I mean what can you expect from a forklift driver in his 30s. But I digress.
It’s literally how to kill the site 101, the fuck is wrong with you retards with the whole IAS only crap.
Like I know you all must be doll era froot era oldchads because nobody apart from newmorons want even more rulecucking and random crap deletion.


He won’t, he’s all talk do nothing and newGODs gobble it all up because he called them little buddies (kek)


doll tolerates lots of nas. Were you here when he was admin? Also no nas will kill the site. Soyjaks are not fun when you are forced to post only jaks and nothing else.


I'm new here (October 2023), but I come from the cuck. It just seems to me like this place is not a /qa/ succesor, but a shitty 4chan clone that replaces anime with soyjaks as its main thing, and it goes as hard as 4chan in upholding its "values"


shit bait


It was a successor, but after morons in charge as of now took over I think in may/April (doll) and then froot and root in august sept this place went to shit.
Morons shill for β€œIAS” only website. Who the fuck wants that? N.o.b.o.d.y. But our big buddy doll. Soy was much gemmier under kuz because you could pretty much post anything and there was little (albeit sometimes there was) interference from Jannies. Nowadays it’s complete derangement.


hi doll another β€˜teen wrote a really good reply to the letter as well, read it too


>your ip address is blocked from embedding files


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It's a soyjak site. If you think that soyjak enforcing rules is rulecucking you need to fuck off


You say this while self inserting as an Aryan brimstone, kek.
How new are you?


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>everyone I don't like is new

are you unironically a 4nigger? I thought that most frog posters only post frogs to troll here a bit more


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>you can't troll on /q/


Kek! Where do you think this website’s core users came from you fucking moron?


everyone knows you're samegodding retard, there's now way you'd get 3 replies on /q/ otherwise.


Oh no no no no


inspect element award, well done i bet you can make joe biden say really funny things with that too geg


Haha yeah I inspect elemented on my phone haha yeah you got me


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pedo word offense marsey ## mod because xe likes little boys


issa trvke


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nigga /soy/ has no set topic
can these jannies allow some level of fun?


was about to call you out by just copy-pasting the rules page that clearly states "This board is for Soyjaks" but honestly i think janny's clitty was writhing around in his trousers too much for this one, he could have just moved your post to /bait/ since as niggerlicious a post it is, it still shouldn't warrant a ban, especially for that reason
still six hours really isn't that long either


how do i travel to hyperborea doll


neutralpliers are not a placeholder for /lgbt/ copy paste threads


please can you show us these "historic threads" you speak of?


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It wasn't always like this. You have only been here with froot as admin. Back in kuz/doll adminship you could "coalpost" aka post things that were not established as popular and kosher for a soyjak site uninturupted. Until froot the site was a successor to qa. There was a much more lolbertarian air to the site because kuz didn't give a shit and doll was anti janny. Kuz even tried doing no NAS weekends, which worked in showing that no nas is a horrible policy, as whenever these test runs happened the post quality would tank and the site experience would go stagnant, every soyteen just about would be begging for the nas to be allowed again by the end of it. Also administration was almost always professional, if not, genuinely trying to be objective, in the case of doll. Froot is a dumb biased nigger who just does whatever he wants with site policy and its shown in the dramatic drop in quality. Sharty culture is on lockdown now, because any new jak is liable to be deleted/banned for generating "drama", and every nas meme is deleted/banned for being "avatarfagging". Also just in general mods do not play by the rules, they can bend them to however they like, because they can get away with it, because the only thing that can keep them in check is their admin's (weak) integrety. Sharty culture has been narrowed down to circlejerking the same few old memes that administration and newfaags worship blindly, banning any natural evolution of the culture, literally just like 4cuck


your post is niggerish but froot needs to at least add that you will be banned for rule five and not just have your post removed.


janny should be the last resort, not the first resort. people should use hide post/thread and add shit they don't want to see to their filter. doctos, babyjak, mutt, etc. all started as forced and now they are part of the site's culture. what new variants have come from the coal police initiative?


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> people should use hide post/thread

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