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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

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turn on keepinventory so i never have to face the concequences of my poorly planned mining trips

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its back up

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Who wants to join my faction "industrial_society" where we will make automated soylent farms and praise baal


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What was soycraft 2 like pre reset with the vanilla worldgen?


it was on a coast with soy aryan empire ruins and quebecian ruins, some brap to the right of spawn and some lavacasts

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Hello newGODs. Struggling to find food? Are you starving to death? Ive made a machine that will give you food if you drop a cobblestone in the hopper, if you drop anything else itll simply give you back your item, if you drop a cobblestone but recieve it back then it means there is no food to give because the food reserve is out.
Ive put 32 cooked salmons in the dispenser and 8 sweet berry juice, and ill soon switch from requiring cobblestone to requiring coal for food, right now im only using cobblestone to test the machine and see how it goes.
Its right next to the spawn and the church, go check it out or something
Ill also polish this place later because it looks pretty ugly right now


Let me know if there are any issues or if the machine broke btw


man still uses iron armor and unenchanted tools, geg? i feel bad for griefing your ass but i lowkey need the salmon


you can easily generate cobblestone btw


Yeah, I dont really know how to look for netherite in the nether because the nether land i made my portal in dosent go below 30 Y

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2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


THAT base i meant





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>add one simple gun
>add one simple canon
>all can be done in datapacks, it wroks with minimal issues, ive used it myself
>make gunpowder craftable using hay and rotten flesh, this incentivises large farm making, and turns rotten flesh in something extremely usefull
>ammo crafted from copper and gp
>no neutral factions, if you want to buildfag suck up to larger fc's
>java programmer gods, make a plugin where you can hire villigers as mercinaries, thus they are more usefull than just for trade

there i just saved your server

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Hello Niggas. I Humbly Request A Rollback Because Of This Retarded Nigger Of A Duelling System. I Have Lost All Of My raisin Including My Bow Due To An Error In The Code Causing Me To Drop All Of My Items Upon Dying In The Midst Of A Duel
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


What's your username? I'll restore once we will both be on at the same time. If you want a quick response just PM on the blog.


>What's your username? I'll restore once we will both be on at the same time. If you want a quick response just PM on the blog.
Is this nigga really this retarded?


Geg I didn't see the name. Sorry. I'll restore the items once we're on both Sinai.


Typing Like This usually catches people's attention, as for example, you


forgot to quote fuck

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btw can all you admins make it clear as to what we can and can't use in the tournament?

i wanna use end crystals and other suff that might be considered too good, so clear rules would be nice.

otherwise some mfs will make warden spawn eggs or something.


You'll be given your own set of tools and armor to fight with.


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bruh whats even the point then

we all gonna 1 v 1 in full iron o algo

at this point make it a fist fight with no armor will you're at it

this is not hypixel duels o algo

billions must get ready for the tournament to then get cucked by the admins award



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I fell to the void after i used teleporter to a location in the end

rollback me or something caca
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this isnt valid to laugh or something


hey 'eens


Hey 'eens,

I've been thinking about becoming Muslim in September. The main reason is that I’ve been visiting a lot of mosques lately, but I also feel like our synagogue is going downhill and turning into just another church. Before you call me a downer, let me lay out the issues that are ruining this place and that Rabbi Frutzowitz won’t address:

1. Derashas/Preachings with zero original ideas—just used to keep us Jews content and docile.

2. Synagogue leaders and members in general teaching children about equality and tolerance, sometimes even during service. This synagogue is supposedly for glorifying God, yet it's being exposed to Pagan practices and not manipulating the goyim. They're lesser people, and they should not be treated as human.

3. The shekel train is dead. There’s no excitement for wars (thanks to lazy Rabbis), no more currency manipulation, and it’s all about targeting impoverished goyim who don’t even have pull. Even when they have money, the manipulation is ineffective, with no sense of urgency—some goyim make a few twitter statements while others expose it, leading to more goyim awakening to our schemes.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Sorry, it is rollback cause.


good for you just stay away from animals and children pls

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