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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

File: mist.png πŸ“₯︎ (11.92 KB, 232x217) ImgOps


mist johnson status: LEAKING!!!!!!!!!!

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hello, do any of you have good methods of flattening an area because i made the switzerland faction but the land is so shit and the village in it is fucked


I just build over instead of flattening. If you don’t have to much down you can move to like an ice ocean and build up on the ice.


i shouldve done this earlier but its too late because i already made the swede mines and stuff. im just cleaning the land and its doing pretty well thanks anyway

File: IMG_0721.gif πŸ“₯︎ (828.9 KB, 350x418) ImgOps


Can’t connect, is it over??
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Change your β€˜craft version to whatever was listed.


Isn’t the β€˜craft server on version 1.20.6?


Think so.


I’m using that version right now and it’s not working


Nvm am retarded, fixed it

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To the nignog who's been mining a shit ton of sand near my house, you know who you are, stop doing it, you're making the beach look ugly




worse then creepers, o anglo

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>I’m selling stacks of harming 2 tipped arrows for 25 diamonds a stack.
>Crossbows with quick charge 3 and piercing 1 for 8 diamonds a piece.
>Tipped arrows of your choice [Price TBD]
>Lingering potions of your choice [Price TBD]
Hit me up if you wanna make a deal.


useless in pvp


Start selling Gemswords, or sharpness 5 stuff. Otherwise it's just larp that killed the craft


Not necessary on some bows due to power damage cap but on crossbows it’s useful.


File: punching.gif πŸ“₯︎ (268.84 KB, 400x410) ImgOps

Selling Enchanted Books
>Sharpness V
>Efficiency V
>Unbreaking III
>Thorns III
>Protection IV
>Feather Falling IV
>Depth Strider III
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.



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>ok just flip a coin

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I miss this pack.png icon add it back


No, that variant has been turned to niggerdust by xitter


this one art is different enough to still have retained its gemhood thoughbeit

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hello, rockthrow here, dear jannies, I will never contact you outside of >>>/gem/ and ban appeals, I am not in the IRC, I usually do not change my IP and if I do it is usually a VPN (VPN checks are disabled with the soygem pass) and you can check if it's a VPN by googling the IP
please stop letting people into my account for fucks sake, I don't know how you were even convinced to reset my password, I quit 'craft, ban my account, and do not unban it
anyone pretending to be me anywhere is NOT me, I will not ask to be unbanned, and whatever else people come up with isn't me
this is also my official tripcode you can check that it's me by my older posts with the same tripcode


account banned as requested


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File: 46314 - SoyBooru.gif πŸ“₯︎ (1.24 MB, 200x200) ImgOps


Set per-player-mob-spawns to true
This makes it so that mobcaps are local to the player rather than global. Other people fill up the mob cap quickly, causing farms to be extremely slow. per-player-mob-spawns fixes this.

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