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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

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Sipwock lied.
Benk300 lied.
DuruX3 lied.
Frogkike lied.
Agartha WAS rolled back.

>Every single member of our faction has lied repeatedly but we definitely didn't know about the duping, trust us!




server died nigga nobody cares anymore


i love this soydrama

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thoughts on da movie
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Notch would've made a gemmy movie btw


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dios mio…


Hell naaawwwwww Minecraft in Ohio 💀💀💀💀💀💀


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I mean i don't think its bad, the cast looks… UNIQUE to say the least, but eitherway i think the movie will turn alright, i know black woman le bad or whatever chuddies say but they needed to have atleast some sort of minority there because not only witepipo play minecraft and its also an american movie what do you expect

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can uhh you shut down this gay vanilla server and add dragons and trains already Im bored

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Agartha gets special treatment from jannies
-All griefs done against them reverted, despite them being legitimate acts of war
-Jannies voted for them
-Jannies only banned sipwock for duping when it would have been obvious to all of his faction members that he wasnt doing acrobatics
-Jannies have rolled back their inventories nearly every single time they've died
-Wind tried claiming that ytmug and usnutt were the dupers when they initially exposed them
-Mist added a new rule regarding "neutral" factions as a response to the grief, meaning they can now run candidates while being immune from the consequences
-ONLY AGARTHA has had their base reverted because of griefing


Wind is probably stampy so it checks out.


>-Jannies voted for them
I voted for Usnutt albeit


>doesn't deny the other allegations




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Ononono FrogCVCKas what's this!? Agartha caught duping????
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Jannyslvttas what is this?!? Is the AIPAC-backed ruling party allowed to dupe now??


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>bumping as if it proves anyone other than sipwock duped
Your buttbuddy ytmug said he used duped wither skulls in his johnsonleak yesterday, by the way


erm when did he say this

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well /craft/…
the choice is yours
what’ll it be then, hmm?
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10000th post on der /craft/ award


10000 TNT blocks in the Chudway


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Mod won so it's coal.


infernal niggerdust

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Can you change how combat logging works???? Can you make it so if you crash you don’t die or have it so you only die if you take 2-3+ hearts of damage before getting off while in combat mode


best way to do combat logging is having combat loggers like old-school HCF. pretty easy to make

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looks pretty cool bro

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is anyone else building a city


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It is clear to me that a darkness has spread upon the server.
Our government has fallen to corruption, Judaism and comedic amounts of retardation.
Wind and Mist have allied themselves with the fr*gposters in order to let it proliferate.
The darkness brings faggotry to force people to build instead of playing a fucking FACTIONS server. It brings TikTok immigrants to dilute our oldCHAD genes. It brings players like Sonoro, Deadmau5 and epicthrembo who cheat in order to defeat players like us.
The victims are not just abstain. (((They))) will come for Andria, Woluntas, soychelles, /qa/triots, everyone. (((They))) will force coal onto the server, onto all of you. Immigrants will exploit the shit out of the server and destroy all factions with their coal & cheats.
Frog and his goons use duping, corruption, and propaganda in order to gain power. Where is the vote chest? Was there any way to stop botting in the elections? No. No there wasn't. How were there pro-frog billboards in protected spawn land?
(((They))) will claim that (((they))) are the only gem players on the server, and many will believe them because many repeat it. (((They))) will force coal into the mainstream.
(((They))) will repeat shit like "aint reading all that" or "cope" to dismiss what I say.
I played this server excessively even before this server started. Where was frog before it? I saw it fall. I saw coal be forced upon us.
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And remember, there's no such thing as 100% turnout, it simply doesn't happen. Being online doesn't mean they actually voted.


caloman DID play, pat explicitly said he voted, and also, conceptor voted. Pat voted right before the server shut down so that's likely why you think he wasn't online, he came back on the second day from voting. Which is also another fallacy, since you're only accounting for this time period. More newGODS came and voted, and also Conceptor voted. I'm saying their names because I'm clearing their names from being "alts", OmegaSoy also plays and futogun69 is just futogun's alt or something, I have no clue what he did with it. All that's left is some "DrPhrog", joss, and TransKitty, natehiggers was some nigga larping


If I remember correctly, I voted a few minutes before the votes were counted


Meant to reply to

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