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Version: 1.20.6 - IP: mc.soybooru.com:25565

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moooooooooooooooooods, please bring my items back. I lost my items cause my teleport glitched and killed me by making me fall out of the world.



Nevermind, got my items given back.

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gemmy raid


Saar what faction are you?

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why does no one want to claim these mooshroom islands?


not much you can do on mooshroom islands, ores you could argue but essentially they're nothing burgers made for looking at


then why don't (You) claim these islands?


>stackable soups


i had a mushroom house here doe

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how do you make cobcoins?

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Saar why is my skin not visible on Tlauncher?

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Me and Hoot were put into combat, than crashed and had our items stolen, may we get them back????

Hoot had his items taken by a new fag who will very likely never rejoin the server again because he made a faction and than deleted it after some people joined it (His name was isaacBR2014 or something like that)

I had my items stolen by epicthrembo because he is a selfish little chuddy who gets people into combat at spawn with the hopes they crash so he can steal all their items (ScientoloJu and Saikonini can confirm this)


Saikonini may have also lost his items to epicthrembo by this method but I don’t 100% know


i can confirm too, epicthrembo kept punching me over and over again at spawn yesterday even after i killed him 30 + times


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You're correct, that faggot kept pushing me out of spawn (while being AFK) and killed me with all my valuables.

So obsessed.


thats why i keep most of my stuff in my chests so that even if i die only my tools and blocks are lost (if i dont get the chests)

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It's been 3 days since >>9756
Good luck everyone


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just lavacasted the fuck out of the church of soyence



Because i hate epicthrembo and i hope he seethes so hard he leaves the server forever


even althoughbeit you seethe and screech like a faggot all day


Not really

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Why so quiet Wind?

File: issa-isaac.png πŸ“₯︎ (24.29 KB, 400x581) ImgOps


>isaac crashed the server
NEVER play with his wrath

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do animals have white pupils and black sclera (like amerimutt) or are just cross eyed


Why would they have white pupils u fat fucking retard


Meds, amerimutt doesn't have white pupils on black sclera

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